Thrunite TN50
I found some of the film at HD. They only had the static cling type, but it seems to stay on. WOW. Exactly what I was after.
My BLF SP36 showed up today.
In daylight inside testing, it appears to be very floody, but I will know more after dark. It does not have a well defined hot spot. I like it.
A Fenix TK35UE should put a big smile on your face
I need to check my local Home Depot for DC-Fix.
Edited to add: My local stores don’t have any in stock - would have to order. Only large sheets, anyway. So I’ll likely order some from Boaz.
I’m not sure what’re the equivalents to what Boaz sells, but yeah, “milky” is best for the most diffusion. The “original” (#1?) is good, but not as thorough as “milky” (#7?).
I had to cover up a peekaboo window and got a roll of “snow” by mistake. Patterned, little wisps of, well, snowlike thingies.
Tried it on some lights, diffuses fine, but leaves those wispy artifacts around the edges of the beam. Got “milky” later, just for s&g, and it’s perfect. Dunno “sand”, will try looking for it later to see, if I remember.
A whole roll is like a lifetime supply, even if you diffused every single light you got.