Looking for a truck/farm light

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I was using a long thrower like a 2 cell Convoy L2 while searching out my truck window along the roadside. I worry about losing it too so I use it with a good lanyard.

What are you searching for? Varmints like coyotes, deer, hogs?

Thanks Lightbringer. I guess the “ruination” of Narsil in the DC7 might have been exaggerated in that review thread. Probably because of the initial shock that it was ever done in the first place, considering Narsil is already free to use.

But it’s that pesky “incompatible microcontroller” dealy again, so rather’n try to port it over to whatever they’re using, they just did the basics and left it at that. Ramping’s quite good in the DC7, actually. Seems visually linear and goes at a good speed. That’s something a lot of lights struggled with and never got quite right.

And I forgot if it was this light or a different one, but when asked the mfr said explicitly they wanted to dumb down the UI as to not overwhelm/confuse/whatever The Muggle.

Considering that the gold’n’blue Teslacom only has high/low in the main cycle (painfully useless if you don’t want to light up a whole room), having full ramping and 2 shortcuts is quite nice.

The only glitch I noticed is that either when shortcut to lowest and trying to ramp up, or shortcut to highest and trying to ramp down, only one of them works as expected. The other, you have to turn off the light and restart in non-shortcut mode.

I think (from vague memory) the former doesn’t work, but the latter does. Will check when I get home, if I remember.

Come to think of it, that Teslacom might be a cheaper alternative, if only 2 modes of ass-bright or only half-ass-bright is needed. Pile of XM-Ls or whatever it’s using, so they’re probably not all that high-strung, and I’ve seen vipon codes still bring it down to 15bux or so.

So a cheaper sody-pop-can light that won’t break the budget can still be had. Decent throw to medium-range, probably overwhelmingly bright up-close (even on “low”), though.

Checked the DC7.

2click to turbo does ramp down when you press’n’hold.

Press’n’hold to moonlight only turns off whether you quick-click or press’n’hold.

No biggie.