I was thinking the same thing: working on a farm — headlight. I too like the SilkHunt H03. Some people don’t like the fact that the LED is off center, but it doesn’t bother me. It does take a 18650 Lithium Ion battery.
Some of the options I would recommend.
Silkhunt H03 Headlamp
Battery: 18650 Lithium Ion
Review: Everydaysurvivalgear’s review
C8 (Convoy C8 or ThorFire C8S)
These are great little flashlights. Lots of light and affordable.
Battery: 18650 Lithium Ion
Review: ReManG stephenk cmflippen
ThorFire C8S on Amazon
Convoy C8 on Convoy store
ThorFire S70S or Convoy L6
If you like the size and heft of the MagLight you will like these two.
Battery: 2x 26650 Lithium Ion
Review: RobertB’s S70S and lumenzilla’s L6
If you want to stay with non-Li-Ion batteries I would look at some of the 4x AA lights. These would include:
- ThorFire TK4A - ImA4Wheelr and WalkIntoTheLight
- Lumintop SD4A - ReyLight
- Thrunite TN4A
- Sunwayman D40A