My plan for charging a lot of AA at once, which I have yet to implement, is to buy a bunch of the “Panasonic K-KJ17MCA4BA” kits that come with 4 eneloop AA + the BQ-CC17 charger for $18, then buy one of those long commercial power strip / surge protectors with 12 outlets, one with 2.6” or greater spacing between outlets. I think 2.6” spacing would accommodate the chargers side by side but I would need to verify. It would be a tight squeeze. There are power strips with very wide spacing such as 3.75”. So with that I could charge 48 cells at once. Total cost would be $250 for the chargers, strip, and 48 Eneloop AA. For a 36 cell setup it would run$196. This suggestion doesn’t meet your criteria because it isn’t cheap if you already have the cells, and there is no charge progress bar on those chargers. I think it’s a good option though for someone who needs a lot of cells and a charging solution.