Looking for UI Instructions for Convoy S5

I picked up a Convoy S5 on a clearance sale, and I am trying to get an easy guide to adjusting the modes on the flashlight. I really do not use many of the blinky modes, and I would prefer have the simplest modeset. I had been using some of the nicer Amazon zoomie lights for work, and I wanted to upgrade.

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Welcome to BLF @OmegaPaladin !

Do you have a link for that flashlight so that we can see what user interface it has?

Being an S5, I suspect it has one of the old drivers with 3modes/5 modes. Something like this: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1013155720.html

If so, you need to switch to Low mode and wait for 5 seconds. As soon as you notice a quick blink, half press the switch (not full press to it OFF) and the mode group is then changed.

I hope it helps!

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Was it part of the Scratch and Dent Clearance sale?

If so it may have a driver that looks like this:

And it requires a soldering iron to change the modes.

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It was the scratch /dent clearance. I’d be interested in what the basic modes are at the least.

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Does the driver look like the one in my picture and have the Gold Stars on it?

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Yes, it looks just like that.

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Welcome on BLF @OmegaPaladin !

So you have a Nanjg AK-47A then, check out this post for information on it:

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I’m bummed that I missed out on the S5 sale! Looks like there were only 4 available though.

Jeez, I guess I need to go to the Convoy store every day.

If you want to trade for an S2+, let me know OmegaPaladin assuming you’re located in the USA.

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This Kaidomain host is very similar to the S5:

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Great minds think alike!

I got the KD version a couple years ago. And if I remember correctly, the switch was the older style switch which was a pain to convert to a lighted switch. The Convoy S5 looks like the same tail set-up. My first S2 was also like that.

A positive of the KD S5 is that it looks like it has slightly bigger grooves in the tail which are large enough to accommodate a clip.

So I guess I really don’t need another S5. :thinking:

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Got any pictures? I’m not sure what the older style looks like.

Here’s the older style switch.

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Ah, ok I had a S3 that had that style switch.
I just hadn’t taken it apart.
