Cut Ants: I think those depend on the soil. For a couple of years, we lived on the other side of Henderson, where the dirt was extremely dry/fine/sandy. In addition to the hundreds of scorpions we had there(Hunting Scorpions with a UV light!), we did have a large nest of the ants on the edge of our property. They didn’t actually cause any issues and kept their activity to the adjacent woods. I’ve been told (don’t know if it’s true) that they will keep the fire ant population down; the fire ants are a MUCH bigger nuisance in this area.
Copperheads under UV: Nope. In fact, practically invisible.
Copperheads are all over in this area, but I see very few of them. Unless they are causing issues, or where they can hurt us or our pets, I’m happy to let them live to keep the vermin population down. Last week, with the first of the warm weather, I came home to find our cat playing with this little guy:
Not sure where he had found and killed the baby copperhead, but we didn’t find any others around the area.