Lume1-FW3X: Constant Current Buck-Boost & FET Driver with Anduril1/2 + RGB Aux

Loneoceans, have you experimented with a boost supply for the purpose of running the LEDs in series rather than parallel? It would be a bit less efficient for power consumption but I think it would be more output efficient in terms of light. One low Vf LED in the 3 or 4 paralleled would hog current from the others is my thought.

AmbientSix, a boost driver would likely be slightly less efficient, as the main size limit is the inductor, which there is not much space for in FW3A.

It would be possible, but would be slightly more complex than Buck-boost, and wouldnā€™t improve efficiency.

Also, power consumption efficiency is directly proportional to luminous efficacy.

Thanks to everyone; I'm blown away by the support and we definitely have sufficient interest for a run of assembled boards. I'm currently prepping for this.

Answering some recent questions:

  • Yes it wouldn't be too difficult to build variants of the lume1 driver for different flashlights. Like I mentioned, the development cost is quite high since I need to personally purchase the target flashlight, and build at least 1 prototype to validate its functionality. It would be cool to see the lume1 driver in new flashlights to replace the linear ones, but I have no illusions that it'll be a direct replacement since the components and BOM cost necessarily make this a more expensive driver. It could be an upgrade option though, like stainless steel bezels or different material finishes. But this is not up to me to decide, depends on what the manufacturers want!

  • Forsh, yes I'm trying to find some time to make an updated video just to show the different functionalities and AUX LEDs.

  • For the firmware, I branched off the latest Anduril firmware when I was adapting it to fit the lume1 driver. I added some features such as external temperature sensor support etc. I can work with TK to incorporate them in a better way to Anduril with #defines. The idea is for these additional features to be general-use, so they can be easily adjusted in the cfg files when building the .hex. Answering your question directly, no you cannot use the original hex to flash this driver because it uses a ATTINY1634 MCU like the Emisar/Noctigon lights not a TINY85 like the stock driver. However, firmware will be in the BLF firmware repo. lume1 drivers are easily re-flashed using the standard 4:2 pogo-pin programmer, which Notigon sells as well!

  • AmbientSix, yes I have built boost drivers, you can see them in my signature. I agree that running LEDs in parallel directly makes me feel uneasy, precisely for the reasons you mentioned. In practice, the fact that these LEDs are often quite well binned, and they are thermally connected via the MCPCB, and their very high current rating and tempco characteristics allow them to be run in parallel decently, in real life. Same reasoning with the DD FET drive. As one forum member mentioned, this design probably won't get you an A in EE school, but it does work fairly reliably in real life due to a variety of factors.

    That said, I didn't consider building a boost supply since it didn't seem to address the functional requirements for these kind of small multi-LED flashlights. It would be impossible to have a 'direct-drive' mode, for example, and the LEDs are typically not wired in series. Agnelucio is right that the FW3x has very shallow driver cavity, and limits inductor choice. I don't think it'll be any more complex, or significantly different in efficiency, but it just didn't seem like there was a target flashlight for such a driver (at least as far as I know).

I had not thought about the FET direct drive. That is something a lot of us would not sacrifice.

Just a quick post, got around to uploading some photographs of the driver in action with aux LEDs.

I used cyan, pink and warm white LEDs. The above photo shows comparison with the glow gasket in my FW21 flashlight.

I also updated the first post of this thread with more details.

Some vendors who sell 0402 and 0603 LEDs for very low costs:

You can also buy LEDs from digikey, mouser etc, but they typically don't have the 'unusual' colours such as cyan and pink.

Hi loneoceans

What about making a feeler thread for the aux boards, Iā€™d be super interested in at least 2 And if they work perfectly with your driver board , everyoneā€™s a winner

Iā€™d like my fw3 series flashlight , just like the emisar d4v2
Being able to choose what colour aux leds are on

You sir are a genius !
Thank you so much

You can add th to docs spreadsheet.

Looking forward to this. Iā€™ve had to crank the temperature limit up quite high to stop the stock driver from thermal throttling simply due to the driver heating up, rather than the light itself becoming hot. At stock thermal config at top-ramp I was getting almost instant throttling even though the light itself was cold (yes the sensor is calibrated).

With low Vf emitters and a charged high current cell; by my maths thereā€™s about 3W being dissipated in the driver itself at top-ramp, so it gets mighty toasty fast.

The problem with having the temp limit at 70 degrees though is that eventually the light becomes too hot to hold.

Hopefully this driver dissipating <1W in the same circumstances, I can use a sensible thermal limit.

Hello all,

I hope everyone has been well. Here are some new developments for the lume1 project!

Lume1 Driver on Nealsgadgets?

As you may know, I was planning a small 50-100x group order of drivers due to the large interest in the Lume1 driver.

Because of this group order and the interest garnered, Neal from Nealsgadgets has reached out to me and he will be picking up this driver for production. This will likely result in much better prices than this small group order, and also with better shipping / logistics! Discussions and planning are currently underway, so please hang tight. The idea is to be able to purchase these drivers directly from, and perhaps also as an option in future flashlights. This also means that the group order will no longer proceed forward, since you should be able to purchase them for better prices too!

The details are still being finalized, and the timeline and other logistics are still being worked out. I will post more detailed updates when they come.

Lume1 Driver Datasheet (Preliminary)

In addition, I managed to get around to document the driver in this datasheet:

It's still preliminary; once I review it, I'll be able to make an official release. There may be some mistakes in the datasheet, so just be aware!

Finally, thanks everyone for your interest in this project, and for all the support! More to come soon.

the first "production" lights with the Lume1 driver will (hopefully) be the Damascus and Mokume versions of the FW3T

you still can enter the list - but the deposit phase already has begun!

Mokume Damast

just looked at the datasheet...

very professional!

Wow. Thanks for that awesome documentation!!

Excited to get these in my hands and in some lights!

Does Neal have interest in doing the Aux boards as well? That would be pretty cool. He could even include it on the premium FW3A models

Can this driver be used also in other e-switch flashlights, assuming you would connect the e-switch to the inner ring on the back?

The multi-color aux leds are really an outstanding feature.

I assume so, and thatā€™s what I was thinking of doing for some other lights, the via for the switch ring seems to start here :

Probably a bit small for soldering a wire there, but there is a tiny bit of space up north without components (blue) to make yourself another via.

Or even better loneoceans could add a solder pad for the switch, unused for the FW3X, but would allow to use the driver for other lights where it fits.

i am trying to make that happen ;)

Yes!! :smiley:

that is good to hear, i have have had nothing but great experiences with Neal.

maybe Neal can source the springs from lumintop to sell together as a set ? :smiley:

Neale confirmed on FB that he will sell FW3 driver and AUX boards also.

Spring should be included cause partially finished products are not attractive...

Could you please post a link, i canā€™t find it on fb