Manafont XM-L drop-in - only 750mA on high?


Nobody puts edc in the corner.


Except myself.

Frances Houseman? I am almost afraid to google it


Frances Houseman? I am almost afraid to google it

[/quote]'s safe. Frances Houseman was the real name of "Baby" in the movie Dirty Dancing. The original classic line from the move was - Nobody puts Baby in the corner...

I love classic '80's flicks.

80's movies and music is the best ever!!!

FINALLY the Vichy VC99 arrived!

A very nice multimeter.

And with it I could measure 1.8A with the gray LC Ultrafire 2400, and 3.2A with the flame Trustfire 2400!

This was done using the L2i since it allows direct contact between the pill's spring and the battery, and I also used the 16AWG leads I made. With the VC99's leads it was about 2A, and with 502B I measured about 2.5A, probably because of the buffer between the battery and the pill.

My crappymeter still can't measure anything over 1.1A.

So I guess it is ok :)

I took a closer look at the emitter itself, and it seems that it is as arenat said - it's just the black cover that is a bit misaligned, the emitter itself is perfectly centered as far as I can tell.

Well that's good news :)

You need to read anything written by Nick Earls. "Bachelor Kisses" is incredibly accurate about what I do for a living and is screamingly funny. He has obviously done his time in a psychiatric hospital. Do what it takes to get hold of a copy of this - it is just about the funniest book I have ever read. And you will never feel the same way about strawberry jam (jelly in the US) ever again.

And the author feels pretty much the same way about the '80s as I do. Every day i get farther from the late '70's early 80's the happier I am. It was a very, very bad time for me. The later '80's were great for me - the period 1978-84 was as bad as it gets.

The woman I love was studying for her finals as I read this book which was around 1999. She was not impressed (To put it mildly!) with my outbursts of laughter every few minutes.

I'll check our local library next time I return books. Hopefully they have it.