Manual rechargeable light

You don’t want an all-in-one solution, they’re all gimmicky and terrible. You want a regular flashlight and a powerbank/battery bank w/e that you can charge and then use that to charge the flashlight.

Or get both :stuck_out_tongue:

Which ones do both

Ha, no I meant get the dubious quality wind up ones, in addition to a normal light plus way of charging it…

Yeah, I do have a couple of normal flashlights and lanterns already to get through the first couple of hours/days. So I am indeed thinking of getting the dubious quality wind up one :smiley:

Might also get the mechanical chargeable powerback as another thing and/or a portable solar panel (also handy for camping trips).

The Geiger counter would also not only be for doomsday, but out of curiosity and personal interest :slight_smile:

1 Thank

One thing I forgot to mention- separate solar panels are superior to those built into devices, you dont want to leave your batteries cooking in the hot sun for hours on end!

I think they’re discontinued now, but Freeplay used to be one of the leading brands of “wind up” flashlights.

There also used to be a Thorfire branded silver coloured light that was “okayish”, however many reviews complained of an extremely firm clicky switch.