it is in the nature of twisties that lateral forces can turn them on and off… it is also possible to turn a twisty on by pressing the head towards the body… (unless they are uscrewed far enough)
that is why I no longer carry one… I kept seeing my Maratac AAA turn on in my pocket (when getting into my car)… its not a problem for me as a desk light.
Mine does not flicker when twisting it on… maybe Ive learned not to apply lateral pressure…
I dont think a new driver would make any difference
I’m in the USA. I’m afraid shipping here and back wouldn’t make sense. Perhaps you could make a new post searching for any local modders who would be willing to do it.
Another easy fix to try is cleaning all the contact surfaces. If you have some fine sandpaper, or even a pencil eraser, lightly sand the end of the body tube and all the exposed metal on the underside of the driver.
Not much to do about the branding (though I don’t find it to be intrusive on this light) , but you can get the optional magnetic tail cap ( I bought mine as a kit with the diffuser and magnetic tail cap) and just use it as a twisty. I also am not fond of lighted tail caps especially on lights that use the AA/14500 cells. The Tool AA is compatible with AA alkaline /NiMh/14500 cells.
on my Maratac the battery sits MUCH higher than on my Tool
you might want to check how far your battery sits above the body tube… if it seems very slight, maybe consider stretching the spring out a little (carefully, we dont want to break it… spare parts are not easy to find)