Joining this thread. I started to test the “2018 Original LiitoKala 18650 3400mAh battery 3.7V Li-ion Rechargebale battery PCB Protected For NCR18650B 18650 3400” cells I bought from liitokala Official Store (Open:6 year(s), Top Brand, 98.7% Positive feedback ) : https://liitokalahongkong.aliexpress.com/store/217753?spm=2114.10010108.0.0.3ced76c1nxGWVL .
For reference here is the thread that started to make me realize I may have been scammed : My testing methodology for new 18650 cells, please criticize .
I removed the heat shrink and PCB from one cell (here is what it looks like : dissasembled18650protected ) and BlueSwordM pointed out that “Real NCR18650Bs have 3 legs on the positive pole”. Where can I find the official document that specifies it so I can confront the seller ?