Massive fraud on 18650s in the Littokala Aliexpress stores!

Hm thanks, i’ll keep that store bookmarked, but it looks like their price is more than fasttech, but the red ring on the battery looks closest to the fasttech.

Thats an unrealistic price bump just for a bump :stuck_out_tongue:

ok, guess i’m going with sunway then, thanks!


These were from gearbest over a year ago

Will see if the Sunway ones are also as true in a month…. their picture is a bit dubious as well, I caught that too late and had already ordered, so we shall see.

What do you guys think of those Varicore batteries? legit or not?

See my post and picture above.

Oh I see, I didnt catch that thanks. Pretty much if you find a good deal on cells we should be suspicious of it!

Take a look here too, tad cheaper and good too: Panasonic protected @ Aliya's Battery Store


@matg, you mean too good deal.

I’m always suspicious of sellers selling brand cells at cost in bulk.

2,04$/cell for example is quite literally the bulk cost for non-powertool/EV manufacturers.

I doubt they would sell legit cells with such low profit margins with free shipping.

And AliExpress appears to let these common vendor shenanigans to continue basically telling the customer, “Tough sh*t you trusted us.”

I try to buy little (less than $20) and go elsewhere if possible.

Screw this BS.


Just received 10x “hg2” from liitokala store. Definetely fake because 1amp discharge using imax b6 drops voltage to 3.8 immediately. shows that it should stay over 4v about 20min

Ah ok, from the looks of it, fasttech and your two stores have the real cells, the : in the pictures lines up, along with their prices, I guess i’ll try to cancel my other order now.

So what you guys are getting BOOTLEGS? Are all them like that? What about the black 26650 they had a deal on a while back? Crap I bought 8 of those suckas. Hopefully they perform?

When there have been literally a hundred complaints about the fakes and Aliexpress does nothing, they are culpable and not tot be trusted. The buyer guarantee Aliexpress touts is a JOKE. The store s flooded with counterfeit garbage and I personally will never give them another $0.10 of my money!

This is how I see this stuff from these far east providers if going the protected cell way. Notice there's two different genuine products laying around, most common bigger red top negative pole protected units and more expensive (at FastTech) smaller black top positive pole protected others. Compare prices if you will:

pm735 stated sizes: red tops ≈69.9 × 18.675mm, black tops 68.35 × 18.45mm.

Canceling takes a long time, I requested about an hour after the order, and still no response :weary:

I am sick of all this fake stuff from China. They have no morals in that country

That's painting with broad brush strokes.

Just because some people in China try to sell fake stuff doesn't mean that China has no morals.

Most of the best value for money purchases I have made are of Chinese goods.

You just have to be careful what you buy, no matter what country you buy from.

I agree with raccoon city.

Here's another fine price deal: NCR18650B protected red tops @ I see this as $24.62 before discounts, shipping included. And you can pay with arse saving ;-) PayPal.

This UltraFire 18650 3000mAh protected looks good too. They're genuine new gen UltraFire protected cells, pretty good for the price paid. Maybe some sort of decent 3000mAh cell with a generic protection circuit in a slick looking package. HKJ already reviewed some of their new gen protected small cells, like the 18350 1100mAh (pretty good result), the 16340 650mAh and the 14500 750mAh. The smaller cells are protected with generic circuits, probably the same as their bigger brothers, with current cut-off above their posibilities.

Wait, you actually found legit Ultrafire cells?

That is something I haven’t seen in a lonnng time.

halve the time the sellers wont even ship them

i placed 3 separate orders 2 have shipped 1 has not
and of 17 orders in total i have received 2 requests for ME to cancel because they are “not in stock”