Welcome back, i can relate, i don’t know what virus is floating around but i’ve been debilitatingly ill for 3 weeks straight, never happened to me before, starting to recover but i’m completely exhausted.
Glad to see you back! :+1:
Texas_Ace, CoyoteHawk and JasonWW (And many others) have been so kind in stepping up to cover you while you were absent maintaining the list and answering general questions, without their precious help, the GT thread would have been a train wreck. Good job guys!
Can you please share the list file with another member of the team in case you need to take time off? Maybe creating a google doc and just give writing permissions to the people you decide that can update the list in case you are away.
Merry Christmas, Take care and hope you make a full recovery!
Good to hear from you!
Merry Chrismas!
JasonWW is a very patient person.
I do not know how he did it.
Welcome back and, Merry Christmas
Glad to see you post again Miller. Rock on!
Happy to see you again :laughing:
In those last 2 years I’ve feel the same thing, a huge lack of energy which seems like iron balls chained in my entire body :weary:
I’m fight everyday with it, its like “low and high” days, some few “high-not-too-high” days but those “low”……. Damn :person_facepalming:
Merry Christmas, God bless you Miller and all BLF members :+1:
Welcome back, Miller! We missed you! :laughing:
Enjoy the holidays and get well soon!
Welcome back and Merry Christmas The Miller!
4k missed posts and you’re going to read them? I wouldn’t! Besides you’ll read all the things we said about you.
Welcome back. Hope you’re getting well.
Merry Christmas!
Welcome back and Merry Christmas TM
I just delete work mails if I am away for two weeks, you are reading the missed posts on the forum…. Crazy man.
Get better soon. Get checked out and get your health in check. Far more important than this forum
Look after yourself buddy and enjoy the family and friends. Take care.
It is a Christmas miracle!! :innocent:
Welcome back!
Merry Christmas!
Happy New Year!
Glad to have u back, always good to take care of yourself & family 1st :+1:
He’s ba ack
Cheers David
Welcome back, The Miller!
Glad you’re feeling better, and definitely glad that you know to prioritize your health & family over the forum.
Merry Christmas!!! …
It was good to find out through the ‘grapevine’ a couple of weeks ago that you were not dead. Hope you can get healed up & well soon. :+1:
As has already been said by others…. probably a waste of your time trying to catch up with your GT backlog.
TA, JasonWW, & others stepped up and handled it superbly.
Things are pretty much going smooth as glass on the BLF end of things, as well as the LT end also.
Just waiting on shipping after LT redoes a couple of minor issues found in a QC check.
Glad you’re still alive The Miller! Was worried about you and discussed your disappearance numerous times with my family. Take care of yourself and look forward to your future posts. You truly are an important part of BLF. Merry Christmas!