Need more ideas for zoom light mods? Here are some of my zoom light mods over the last few years :sunglasses: .
- My most recent zoom light mod. Nice form factor AA size light with LED Lenser type optic: Modding sipik 58 with LED Lenser optic . I didn’t stop there either… then modded it with an electronic tailcap switch: Tailcap e-switch added to sipik 58
- An experiment I did with an Aleton N8. This was a true mule with nothing in front of the LED except a flat lens. However, unlike other mules, this one could also zoom: Mod: Zoomable mule
- Some mods to my favorite budget zoomie. I sure wish the stock N8 were still available. The AA version is available everywhere, but I haven’t seen the 18650 version for sale in at least a year: Modding the Aleto N8
- Some more mods to the N8: Aleto N8 metal switch button mod
- Early Sipik 58 mods: Fun with the Sipik 58
- My first Sipik 58 mod. Back then I was experimenting with a reflector behind the aspheric lens. Result was a brighter flood mode, but the spot sure looked ugly. Modded Sipik 58