[Mod] Convoy S2+ Mini - triple XPL with sideswitch *opinions needed*

Not sure how I missed this but that is some awesome work!

Here’s a picture of the light with the final version of the heatsink I settled on.

The heatsink is made from a single piece of 0.064” aluminum sheet. I hand-filed each shot with a small file.


Ok, you hand filed the grooves in your aluminum sheet? You, sir, need a hobby….

Seriously, your final light looks great, the workmanship may not live up to your internal standards, but it looks great… And the performance, that makes it all worth it.

Some beamshots would be great of course, but I have to applaud your ingenuity in this lights creation above all else, perhaps you and Hank from Int-outdoor could collaborate on a souped up version of the M43 meteor? Something like five more sets of triple emitters could be squeezed into the head with your skills, and then run it off of six 18500’s you shoehorned into a body 3mm narrower… good lord, the possibilities…

I’m not sure how I missed this thread from the beginning but I just went through the whole journey from a MacGyver light to Mad Max’s dream light. Well done!

love it!