Modding the driver circuit in "single TR-J18 thrower", Uniquefire UF-X6S...

ImA4Wheelr linked me over here from pinkpanda3310’s Patrol King thread.

I figured I’d resurect the thread to point out that this driver looks like another QX9920 based driver. The modes chip seems to be detailed here.

There are several QX9920 drivers currently receiving fairly detailed examinations. HX-1175b and the “16MM 8.4V 5-Mode 3A LED circuit board For 2*Cree XM-L” from LightMalls

On this driver the inductor is pretty puny looking and high-value (I assume that’s 100uH? In that case the saturation current must be tiny…) but the diode is already a big one (5A). I wonder how much current it can handle with a simple FET swap?