Moderator007's 3000 Post Giveaway

i am in. thanks for the giveaway.

I’m in!

“I’M IN.” Excellent GAW. Great little light. Thanks Moderator007.

I’m in for this great giveaway.
Thanks very much.

I’m in! Thanks

Thank you for the giveaway. Please count me in.

I’m in, thank you!

IBN Thanks!

I’m in.

Thank you,


Not in, as I recently purchased this light also. But congrats on reaching 3000, and thanks for all your contributions to the forum. And thanks for the reminder I need to do one of these also, so I can be on the lookout for a worthy GAW candidate.

GAW? I M in!

For a chance at a free light, I’ll put my whole self in, and I’ll shake it all about!

Count me in. Thanks!!!

I’m in!

Thanks for the opportunity!

I’m in.

Thank you!

I’m in. Thanks for the giveaway.

Count me in please. Thanks for the gaw and congrats.

I’m in. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m in


I’m in.

Congrats on 3K posts