Momentary / E-Switch Driver

I’m looking for a driver for a project I want to do but I’m having trouble figuring out what I need.

I want to run two 3V leds at 3A each off of a 7.4v 2S battery pack and the driver needs to be momentary / e-switch compatible.

Edit: Maximum diameter is 17mm and I would prefer a 7135 based / current regulated driver as overheating is a concern.

What is the max diameter driver you can fit in your host? I imagine RMM will have some drivers that fit the bill. Search for Mountain Electronics to find his site. Really great guy that knows his stuff and offers only quality products.

If you go 2S with the emitters, you could go with a linear driver or DD driver linked below. Using a momentary switch will require you to pick a driver with low parasitic drain when off. So the "zener modded" driver will not be a good option.

Mountain Electronics has a driver for 2s battery and momentary switching. It uses a voltage regulator instead of a general, so it doesn’t have the high drain.

Momentary switch FET driver

Zener mod won’t be great, but some drivers Richard offers can be LDO modded, which works fine.

Good question. I should have mentioned that the max driver diameter is 17mm.

Thanks tru3s1lv3r, I’m not sure how I missed that one. I buy most of my components from there and I have always been pleased with their service.

Edit: I just realized that is a FET driver. I would prefer something to limit current to the LEDs.