Mom's Final Lesson

Having been in a similar situation with my Father, my thoughts are with you.

Thanks for posting about it.

I’m very sorry to hear about your loss. We all need to learn to cherish our love ones when we have a chance. Even better we should learn to love all people. It actually makes yourself feel better.

It doesn’t even take many. A thought of a light is enough if that’s what one wants to use.

Frankly, for me lights are escape from the harder parts of my life, a kind of safe heaven. So ImA4Wheelr, in a way I’m like you.

I’m very sorry about your loss. It is something most of us have to endure at some point. Mine is still ahead.
Take care.

Sorry for your loss.

ImA4Wheelr, your mom would be pleased and proud.

Thank you for allowing us to share in this heart felt and moving tribute to your mom.

ImA4Wheelr, Very sorry for your great loss, don't forget your mum will always be with you.

Your mother sounds like a wonderful person.

I'm sorry for your loss.

So sorry for your loss, but thank you for sharing your experience. I hope your mother had a fulfilling long life and that the end time was quick, so she suffered little.

I’m always amazed that the people who are suffering are the ones helping others who are looking for ways to express their sympathy. Thanks for sharing this with your friends on the forum .We will keep you and your family in our prayers .

Sounds like a great Mom, God Bless

Sounds like a great Mom, God Bless

Sorry for your loss ImA4Wheelr. Moms are great and will always be. Every time I talk with my mom or visit her, I’m grateful she is still with me despite her health issues. She has always been there to support me and loves me know matter what.

God bless

My condolences and good on ya for opening up here

Sorry for your loss.

Somehow I feel you and I are a lot alike in certain aspects. Both of my parents are gone now.
I often wonder if they really knew me. They probably did, but I do know that I was never quite myself around them in my adult years. I never would open myself up to them, you know self sufficient and all that stuff. I regret that now.

Maybe it would be good to make changes in yourself, for the better. Do it for your mother.
That would be one way to honor her and express your love.

So sorry for your loss.

you had a wonderful Mother

I’m sure she would be proud of your effort to come to better terms with yourself, thanks for sharing, may your tale inspire others

Sorry ImA4Wheeler, sure she was a great woman.

Sorry for your loss may she rest in peace.