June 13, 2016, 1:09pm
777funk I definitely don’t want to come off as rude to you, but I noticed you asking what an XML is then suggesting you would just pop an XHP into your maglight. Please understand that this would definitely not be a beginner mod in any way. You said you have heatsinks lying around but I doubt they are something viable for a torch. Before you jorney down the rabbithole of building a XHP maglight for your first build, possibly spending more to accomplish this then you would to buy a prebuilt light (and learning many new ways to cuss) , please take the advice of others here with the torches suggested.
And definitely read some build threads here if that sort of thing interests you.
Best Wishes
No problem and not taken as rude. I started another thread asking if an XHP35 (or 70) could be hard wired to 12V and it appeared that it can be done. I’m an EE with a background of “rigging things up” since I was a small child.
I have plenty of aluminum heat sinks that I can shape to fit my needs and enough common sense to tell if it’s working or not.
I have an old Maglite that I’m tired of… might as well give it a shot. If it doesn’t work as planned, I’m out $6 on the XHP35 or $18 on the 70 (MtnElec). Might work… of course might not! If not, I can always order a C8. Looks to be a highly recommended (and I’m sure great!) light. Maybe I’ll order it with the LED from Simon or Richard.
I’m going to agree with Angler here … It seems every new person here thinks he’ll just pop a new emitter in their old Maglight and end up with a new light .
After looking at numbers of mods over the years on the site it’s clear they are a pain .Enough of a pain that my old mags will probably never get modded .i always liked a maglite but ,that was many years ago .I used to like solarforces too …I would never suggest a maglite as a first mod ….never !
Hi All,
This is going to be a different sort of build thread as I’m actually only doing it for one fella. My uncle recently asked me to build a brightish, high CRI, side switch flashlight for “light painting”. Near as I understand it this is a photography technique involving dark and light. Point is, I recently got him to buy his first set of eneloops and now I get to build him a real flashlight. Many of the techniques here is old news to many members here but the old uncle is a complete muggle…