And yes, you can call me Dr. I’m a qualified psychologist. Which doesn’t mean I’m right, but which might mean that you’ll have to think again. Anyway. You mistake me for someone who cares (The Dude in: The Big Lebowski).
One time doing this build and working with his newly developed 4S 2.5/3amp E-Switch Buck drivers for the XHP35 T90-2 Monster Big Beam Thrower,
I was up over 30 hours building, testing shaking them down and burning them up and myself!
Richard was there every step of the way. Sure it got frustrating going back and forth, PM’ing that day all night, into the morning and the next day, but in the end it was fun educational and I gained a deeper respect for the man and the T90-2 XHP35HI Big Beam Thrower powered by RMM is one of my most favorite builds and still works excellent to this day, it’s quite impressive!
I still have all those pictures and PM’s, it was a great experience, something I will never forget!!!
I still need to send those drivers back to him to check out and hopefully fix! :person_facepalming:
Thanks Richard for always being there, no matter how big, small or what!!
XHP35 Lights from the right Trustfire T90-2 Lumintop SD75 Jax X6 Hunter Convoy L6 Jax Z1
Mountain Electronics has always been and continues to be an awesome flashlight store. Rarely over the years have I had any issues, but when I did they corrected them. They are a legitimate store with great products and I highly recommend them.
Sometimes, no bad news from a store is the best kind of news about a store.
I’m sure more desirable motivation can be found in anything if you look hard enough.
Mountain Electronics is held near and dear to most folks on here. Typing them into the search bar on the upper left of any page here should reveal that.
Yes, they’re only selling flashlight modding items. My guess is that they didn’t want to deal with issues regarding new flashlights that were out of their control, or maybe because it wasn’t profitable anymore.