I freaking love my BTUvn. (Same as your iOS mod)

That is all.

hey guys… it’s sound like fun… too bad you guys are too far away, but perhaps I could lend you my HID searchlight thrower 10” lens just to add to the mix just for the fun of it? :bigsmile:

No doubt a good HID with a 10” reflector would be monster thrower. And a blast to play with.

Not to bad in a 7” reflector either. Not exactly a flashlight, but its fun.

or a 14” reflector

Thanks for all the beam shots.

thank you for these shots. that x60vn is a very nice light. but it didnt demolish the super shocker so i will pass on this light. if i didnt have a super shocker, this would be the light to have.

Orsm shots as usual guys. Its good to see your very unique collection of hot rods continue.