My COMETA is a POS - does not connect with tailcap spring - burned my finger [Hobby Ending - Enough is Enough]

As a codicil to post # 90, I have made a thread here XXXXX that actually tells & describes each and every “fix” I did to my COMETA to hopefully make it somewhat safe to use.

These “fixes” are a compilation of “solutions” that for the most part others have come up with and been given credit for by me in the thread. But, it is all in a nice clean, uncluttered thread that is extremely easy to read and understand…. by hopefully anyone.

And please note, each and every one of the “fixes” that are detailed there is something that one needs to do to a +Brand New out of the box light, the COMETA+; to hopefully be able to use it and avoid potentially dangerous situations. IF you do the the “fixes” correctly……

Does anyone besides me see a problem with this picture :slight_smile: