My Flashlights after a month of being a Flashaholic... Show me your favs

Ok well I have been here for a month now and since I am a picture whore I wanted to put up some pics and see some of yours. Please actual pictures I am tired of opening threads about someone getting a new light and there is no pic of said light but a link to where they bought it from so let me see your pics dammit

This is what I have gathered so far, I ordered 3 of the Romisen RC-C3's 2 to give as gifts and one to keep and I can't put the little bugger down.

My double D's. The Mag I had sitting in the package in storage for about 6 years found it the other day and opened it and this thing sucks so bad compared to all my led lights. The Garrity same deal as the Mag but this one has just been floating around my house for a while.

Doing work!

You should mod your mag. :) Then it will keep up.

Oh and don't get me wrong I love Mag's just that this one sucks at the moment

But all that can be changed. :) Just put in an XM-L at the least.

This was my collection 4 months ago, about 1.5 months after I became a flashaholic. :)

I don't have a recent shot, but now my collection is substantially (for me at least) stronger than this. Will post an updated pic soon, I hope.

I couldn't resist. Here is the most recent group shot. :D

There is also a really nice thread of many collection shots: