My lab setup

B&O ?

The company that makes nicely designed music and TV equipment, at one time they did also make test equipment.

Here is an image from google:

Thanks for the insight HKJ.

I can’t close my mouth, my jaw is still on my desk! :open_mouth: What an amazing setup you’ve put together. I for one thank you for what your able to contribute to us with it as your reviews and testing methodology have definitely had an influence on more than a couple of my purchases.

Absolute dedication: Checked

Insanity: Checked

I can’t imagine myself owning all that equipments. Appreciate for what you’ve done for us throughout these years. :slight_smile:

Bang and Olufsen

Wonder which he is the most, a flashlight junkie or a lab equipment junkie :wink:


Cheers David

Have you seen all his flashlight reviews in the past??

Thanks for sharing HKJ. Awesome stuff! Love your work!

Maybe “junkie” was a bad word on an international forum, it was used this way,

Junkie = A person who is consumed by an addiction :slight_smile:

I also appreacate all the effort he puts into his reviews of all types.

Cheers David

The lab is a consequence of my interest for electronics. I had my first lab before I was 10 (It was rather simple and workbench would probably be a better name at that time) and has been extending and improving it since.

Thanks for the insight HKJ.
We are all beneficiaries of your research.

Thank you,HKJ, for your great work.

What is this piece?

I found this box on ebay at about $15 and bought a couple of them, but the quality varies, even though it is the same box.

You can also get references from:

Nice lab setup, thanks you for your contribution to us all this time.

Wow really good equipments!

Just a question.

May I know what model is this IR camera?

It is from Testo:

Two questions:

Do you have a dedicated room for your testing equipment, or is it in a corner of a multi-use room?

And a question that I have always been curious about: What do you do with the products you have reviewed? Do you toss them in a box to sit around until you need them again, or do you sell/give them away?

I do have a room for all my testing equipment and computers. It is not a dedicated "testing" room, it is also used when I need the computer.

I do give some of it away, but most of it is tossed into some big boxes.

Well, I would be more than happy to free you up of some of that junk! :smiley: