My sister and niece got ran off the road and our car got wrecked

That’s usually how most “road rage” incidents start. Each one is In The Right, at least in their own minds.

Car driver is pist at the slow-ass truck, which should either speed up or get over, and wants to pass, like, NOW. Truck driver sees an asshat crawling up his ass being a douche. Egos inflate. Car is determined to pass, truck wants to show who’s boss and give a lesson in patience. 2-lane cat’n’mouse game and mutual douchebaggery ensues, until Bad Things Happen.

Yep, luckily my sister didn't do anything stupid in the video that I noticed, other than maybe cursing, which is not illegal.

If I were in the car, I would have been cursing as well.

The whole situation is pretty messed up, and completely unwarranted.

Take pictures of the bruises. Note the day each picture was taken so it can be compared to the crash. Also, if they haven’t already, they should be checked out by their doctors. Even if the doctors find nothing wrong, the paper trail of medical records could be helpful in a court case.

I received a very helpful PM from Oli.

Let me make some clarifications so that no one is confused.

I believe that I am able to look at the situation and video objectively.

I am not emotional now, and I am not emotional in nature.

I'm kinda like the character Data on Star Trek: The Next Generation in that respect.

I'm very logical.

I also don't have a lot of empathy, so I'm not swayed much by the horrible thing that happened to my sister and niece.

That might be because my family and I think I have Aspergers.

It helps me be look at any situation objectively, even if the situation involves my family.

I believe that people that watch the video will not mind being around my sister when she's driving.

They will definitely mind being around the other driver.

I saw the video, and I think it really is a slam dunk.

My sister did not start cursing at the other driver until he started to act terribly.

I would have probably done the same thing, and I don't curse as much as her.

Cursing is a very natural reaction to a totally messed up situation.

We are planning to get a lawyer soon.

We will show them the video.

If my mom's insurance company wants to see the video, that is a solution, not a problem, because in this case, the video evidence is clearly on my family's side.

Thank you, Oli, for helping me express myself better.

If I can describe the situation now and in the future in an excellent way, I think that will help our case.

Good luck on getting top dollar from a old car from the insurance — when you mentioned the year of the car, I knew they were gonna put it to sleep

What most people don’t realize when they buy an electric car , they have to pay an electrician to come add a new 220v circuit and outlet to charge it. $$$

Thanks for the good luck!

The amount that they offered for the car is actually very reasonable.

I'm telling you, used cars are worth a lot more than used to be.

:money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face:

That’s the boxy one, right?

Yeah, it’s an ugly-ass car, but it’s like a TARDIS inside because of it. It’s like, all… volume.

Gotta take a marching band to the airport? “Yeah, just get in back, you’ll all fit…” That kinda thing.

If we do get a less expensive car than a Prius, we may get another Corolla.

I think the Corolla is better than the Scion xB, and it does better in crash results.

My mom wants a reliable car that does well in crashes and gets decent gas mileage.

I want the same things, but I also want a nice car.

Although I think that Priuses look kinda lame, they are very nice.

By the way, my family and I call cars like the Scion xB "toasters" because they are boxy like a typical bread toaster.

Toasters, Cylons, its a rich tapestry :smiley:

Happy Birthday to me!

I'm 46 today.

I'm thinking we probably won't celebrate my birthday until my sister and niece are doing much better.

They both have plenty of bruises from the collision.

So far, nothing is broken, but I cannot see into the future, and it can take a while for people to realize their injuries after a collision.

In addition to the physical injuries, there are psychological and emotional injuries as well, and not just for my sister and niece, but for other family members and friends of our family as well.

I can just picture you getting in touch with your inner Dexter… :clown_face::clown_face::clown_face:

Well, I don't think I would ever murder someone, even if they totally deserved it.

Now "completely neutralizing a threat in self-defense", that's a different story.



To clarify, as long as my brain works properly, there's zero chance that I'll commit murder.

In 1995, I had a nervous breakdown, and my brain did not work properly.

I didn't hurt myself or anyone else in 95, but if I wouldn't have gotten excellent help like I did, something bad may have happened.

Ever since I got help in 95, my brain has worked either properly or every once in a while "good enough not to do something I would really regret."

I would think any one who commits murder — Their brain malfunctioned

I would hope that to be the case, otherwise it would just be they were evil beyond description.


So we got a lawyer yesterday.

I'm not going to say who they are, but I'll tell you about them.

The lawyer is from a family law firm.

I think just about everyone there is in the same family by blood or marriage, and I think all or most of the lawyers/judges went to the same excellent law school.

The law school is a religious one, and the law firm cares about morals immensely.

We know the entire law family, and they are extremely honest, which is rare these days.

I also think that the law firm is a great value, meaning if we win our case, they will take a reasonable cut instead of a much larger cut like other law firms.

We trust this law firm.


My sister and niece have a lot of bruises, but I think that the psychological and emotional injuries are much worse.

Good to hear raccoon city, I hope the truth wins out completely.

Glad the girls apparently were not physically hurt any worse than they were.

And hoping there mental anguish / trauma will subside as quickly as possible.

Yeah, it could have been much worse.

The chain link fence stopped the car from rolling over and over again (based on the lay of the land.)

If the chain link fence didn't stop the car, we might have had to deal with a couple of funerals.

yay, wise move

sincerest best wishes on your sister and niece’s recovery

Hey dude, just wishing you and your family the best in this situation.

Hopefully soon enough you can all look back and just think “oh yeah… that bull!@#$.” and shrug your shoulders.