my status

Hey Wight, Happy New Year!
To help me remember what is what in my builds, I try to engrave my lights with the driver and UI inside. Many (most) have your “W” on em, as well as an accompanying “TK”. MTN has his share too. :slight_smile:

Here’s to hoping you and yours are well and good. Cheers!

Great to hear from you. Hope all is well with you and yours.

We're still assimilating much of what you contributed to the hobby when you were active here.

Welcome back Sir!!!

That puts a smile on my face DB. :smiley: ImA4Wheelr, I’m still absorbing a lot of that stuff. :wink: It’s nice to be back and “see all the friendly faces” bugsy36.

Like this, got quite a few with that little copyright in the corner…