N00B withan A6 wants an EDC with a norrow 'beam'

A thread like this is what makes this forum so great. It’s funny it’s informative and I had a smile on my face the whole time I was reading it. And I think you’re right about the A6, it is a “gateway drug”. Keep up the good work.

Just for interest sake… A Convoy S2 XP-G2 S4 mod

There have been so many that have recommended Convoy that I went over and over the available models and mtn electronics offers a dedomed* version. While it’s not a tube light per se, since I almost always carry a tactical bag with me, the 45mm+ head won’t be that much of an inconvenience considering the included extension tube is a big plus.

So unless I hear back that I’m making a terrible mistake, I’m pulling the trigger on the L4 tomorrow.

I may still purchase the TN12 if I find the L4 a bit to bulky and oversized.

BLF needs an Acronym Decoder Section

Bort has created a thread which gives a great introduction to those new to the hobby:

A Beginner’s Guide to Flashaholism

“Flashlightwiki” is another good source of info; it’s linked under “Related sites” on the left side of all BLF pages. And we’re always glad to answer questions when you can’t find the answers. Once you understand the acronyms and abbreviations you’ll find a lot more pleasure in reading the more advanced posts where such things are more common and you’ll be “speaking the lingo” along with us in no time at all.


Convoy L4 XM-L2 18650 Flashlight - Includes Extension Tube

  • Dedome LED: Yes
  • L4 LED: 1A

Panasonic NCR18650B Protected 3400mAh

XTAR VC2+ PLUS Master 2-Bay Charger - 14500 - 16340 18350 18500 - 18650 - 26650

  • 2.1A AC/USB Adapter (US): Add To Order

Now to wait …

I bought this http://kaidomain.com/Product/Details.S020966 from kaidomain,because some guy here in Greece told me about.
Is it easy to put it in the place of the mirror?And does some of you know about this tir optic and how it suits to BLF A6?