Narsil VS Anduril ???

Does this help?

Specifically, the following files:

  • NarsilM_CS_v12_Q8_2017-12-03.pdf
  • NarsilM_DE.pdf

The first has a UI table with arrows between tables. The second is a .de translation of the manual.

I tried to learn from NarsilM_EN.pdf and from the GT mini instructions and it seemed to me so complicated. But this table doesn’t look bad. Maybe I’ll try this weekend. Thanks TK!

i am struggling to configure for the underlined portion above on a KR4.

I have triple clicked into batt check, double clicked around to thermal, quad clicked into the buzzing, and 1 click for lower level and 1 click for upper ceiling; however, i still have to double and then double again from off in order to get to full output.

Do you have any advice?

EDIT: looks like i might be setting the thermal instead

Mmm, took me a while to catch on. With 2 SP36es, yet. I thought I had a pair of underachievers.

Didn’t complain, ’cause that just meant hella-long runtime.

(RTFM? You gots ta be kidding…)

Wellp, I asked similar questions in another thread (fiicr which), and at least as far as my ’minis and ’micros, both of which use Narsim, it’s got killer features which I’ve grown to depend on.

1click - on
2click - turbo
3click - battery-check
4click - lockout
5click - momentary mode.

Momentary mode is killer, comes in so handy. Go snooping out back, quick flash’n’dash lights up what you want, no muss, no fuss. Especially with a ’micro which is, like, so small, and blows away (and freaks out) people who’ve never seen a light that small throw that far.

For regular usage, I just click on/off to its preset (which I usually (re)set to its lowest anyway), or turbo if I need more. And shortcuts to moonlight/low are also incredibly handy. Only tweak I did was set moonlight to level 1 (think 3 is default). So quick 1H gets more like firefly mode vs moonlight, and just holding it slightly longer (1HH?) sets it to lowest-ramp which is a bit brighter. So I think of it as 2 shortcuts, one to firefly, and one to moonlight.

Anyway, that’s why my personal preference is for Narsim, as I just use the Hell out of the ready-made UI.

Me personally, I can’t picture myself using CW or even NW light as a candle, or any other blinkies/flickeries. But hey, if that spins yer wheels, have at it. Most of those specialty-modes you won’t find in Narsim. (Whups, one other tweak, I did disable blinkies.)

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So it functions basically the same way, except andruil does more :slight_smile:
I’ll be able to test narsim when i get my FT03 from BG

Doesn’t have momentary mode, at least not as far I as I saw from the flowpix. (Or if so, you’d need to control-alt-tripleclick to get to it.)

Right now, for me, that’d be a dealbreaker, and I’d stick with Narsim.

5 clicks to enter momentary mode but need to slightly unscrew tail to return to normal

So… same as Narsim?

I saw the exploding-bubble-thingy that said “momentary on / strobes”, and didn’t want strobes. No strobes. Strobes bad. Death to strobes.

(And the other bubble that said “Momentary lockout moon/low”. Umm, okay. Whatever that is.)

Disco will never die!

I think that means you can press the button repeatedly in momentary mode making it a strobe?
3H enters the other strobes/candle/lightning

4C is lockout but in this mode you get momentary moon and 1H gives you a low (according to manual its uses lowest ramp settings of both stepped&smooth)

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It probably means that you can set your momentary mode to any strobe mode as well as brightness modes.

A feature that was not included in early Anduril lights but was requested by light-painting enthusiasts.

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Simple: In lockout, you have momentary moon. In more recent Andúril versions, there’s another mode (“low”) on 2H.

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Just tested sp36 blf i guess is a earlier version but momentary any blinky works on my d4v2

So, the KR4 with Anduril, does not go to 100% turbo on double click out of the box?
I always thought that Anduril was just improved Narsil :person_facepalming:

More features / options seems like a improvement to me.
or you could just single click then double click boooooooooo hisssssssss :smiley:

While you are correct on that point, the vast majority of all flashlights use double click for turbo.


Not from off it doesn’t; it shall go to a predefined power ceiling (stock is 120/150) and then another double click takes you to full power.

This can be rectified by clicking 4 times from on, once it’s buzzing click once for lowest low, then once for highest high.

Now turbo can be accessed from off via double click

If you activate momentary (5-clicks) while using a strobe mode it sets it to a momentary strobe.

The “momentary moon/low” means a single click and hold while locked out gives you momentary of whatever the floor of your current selected ramp mode is (smooth vs stepped), and two-clicks and hold gives you the floor of the other mode.

So you can set your floors to allow whatever two momentary outputs you want while the light is locked. Gives you enough light for most uses without having to unlock it all the time (or even momentary turbo from lockout if you want it).