Need a new EDC in AAA. Recomend me one

I need a new edc light since my leatherman has started to crap out. It will be going in my back pocket next to my wallet. Right now I have a single aa but I was thinking I may go AAA to try it out if I can get it bright enough. I'd prefer throw over flood. Over 50 lumens. It will be using eneloops

I like my Illuminati Ti

I forgot to ad this to my original post.

Or should I stick with a AA light? AA fits fine in mypocket as long as the head isn't much bigger than the body.

I really like my Tank007 E09, for a AAA EDC.

It's beam pattern makes me think it is throwy, but don't quote me on that.

TF f23 cheap ss and 3 mode lil thrower too

i like the s1 from cqg too ..but maybe too tiny

nitecore ezAA is nice these guys have a 24$ clone right store wrong light

Hehe. Thats what she said.

Itp a3 is what i have in the bottom of my pocket. Uniquefire G10 is what i have in the bottom of my other pocket. G10 is barely noticeable (AA) in the pocket, while the A3 goes without even being noticed.



The best EDC I try.

Dqg III in R5 and what Boaz said

Same here. The Tank007 E09 is probably the brightest AAA light I have.

my 2 strong recommendations in the 1xAAA section:

overpriced yet unsurpassed: fenix lDo1 r4 (32.00$ on ebay)

was underpriced during market introduction: tank e09 (xp-e r3)

fenix has very throwy hotspot w/ tight bright spill. tank is as throwy and has as bright spill, but with much much wider beam angle.

if i had 30$ at hand and had to pick 1 particular model, i would grab 3 copies of the e09. so there you have it. (and if i had 90$ at hand and ..etc.., then i would grab 3 copies of the lDo1. hope you understand haha)


I've been very happy with both of these as my edc, but if I had to choose it would be the first one:

So, BetweenRides, in that EOSLAMP, the battery goes in backwards? Has that ever tripped you up?

There was a time, not very long ago, that almost every recommendation would be for the ITP A3 EOS. I would get the xpg version from shining beam if he still sells it. Couldn’t tell you if he does because I got sidetracked by this little guy when I was looking over there.

Can't knock any of the above, just add the Preon to the mix as they are on sale many places making them BLF acceptable! Preon's throw better than most as you require, but are larger. They come in pretty colors tooLaughing

Not yet, cone but I am very conscious of it and sending the note to Hank asking him to modify the description to note that fact helps it stick in my mind.

Right now I can't find the little bugger. I'm hoping it doesn't turn up in the laundry...Undecided

I own a lot of AAA's, but the Olight i3 is still my favorite.

I’d prefer a tail cap over twisty. Is there any advantage over the tail cap? I’m noticing a lot are twisty

Ya, that was the one thing that jumped out at me when I read the details in your link. Not to get off topic, but that's pretty unusual, no? Does anybody know of another flashlight that allows the battery to only function "backwards"?

Good luck locating the torch.

I’ve only known laser pointers to be that way. Nearly all of them use cells “backwards” to us flashlight users.