Need an AA red LED flashlight

I’ve been using this 18650 hosted red LED flashlight for my nighttime barnyard pesting. But the 18650 drives it hard and produces a very bright light. I’m thinking an AA version would be less bright - but don’t know of any. Can you point me to some?

I prefer a standard host body if possible as my scope rings are made to hold that size tube.

can you do any modifications at all? It may be possible to add a resistor to the driver of your current light to limit the output.

You could always put a multi-mode dropin into your existing light.

I am thinking that Richard can build you something that will work. Usually people want all the power they can get instead of the opposite. Another thought I would have is whether a zoomable light would work as compared to that 501 but I do not know anything about red lights.

Add some DC-Fix problem solved. its not the amps but the tight spot that is often not deseriable.

an AA red light will likely be underwhelming.

all you need is a three mode P60 drop-in, drive an XPE2 on a noctigon at 1A(max for P60) with a nanjg 101-ak-a1 with a chip removed and you will be all set. you will have high, medium and low.

This is just totally not true.

I like this idea. Is this a good dropin to go in my WF-501? I’d prefer to buy somewhere other than DX.

IMO If you want reliability and quality

You most likely know this but Richard can custom tailor to whatever you desire. Of course it is more than the overseas vendors but it can be exactly what you want and available right here.

Remember DX lists many things that are “out of stock” — that red dropin is one such.

Do try DC-fix (or a layer of Scotch Magic Tape over the lens) and see if that helps by diffusing the light a bit.

Also try ’oogle — search for, for example:

red light flashlight

then click “images” and you’ll find a lot of them.

I already use scotch tape as a diffuser - still too bright at short distances.