Need Your Advice for Flashlight Fundraiser

I’ve had mine a month now, I really like it, I carry it every night after I change out of my big-boy pants.

Its about 30-35 Lm, I’d get the neutral, its actually warm but I find most people who dont know anything about flashlights prefer warm, as in like 3000k (the neutral ones of these are about 3750k, the very top of “warm”). These are really nice lights, much better than the original S1’s.

I agree on the neutral. That’s what I got in mine and it’s warm but it’s a good warm. Makes the colors pop out pretty nice. Not glaring so it’s great for walking around the house or yard with.

I still haven’t found the perfect flashlight for this fundraiser.

How about the Tank007 TK-701? I would have to up the fundraiser sell price…but I was thinking of offering two options…maybe an SK-68 (low cost) as well as this as another (moderate cost) option/like this Tank. Watcha think?

I think that’s a pretty good idea. They are both great lights for their price range.

You know those are random color?


What about the SSC 42180-U (U-BIN) emitter this uses? Any good?

I’m sure that can be negotiated :wink:

most people will go for the lower cost option, i dislike the sk68 so i think offering it is a bad idea

Thanks for your favorites and recommendation of our product, dear Gj, we will confirm this info from supplier and tell kronological once we get the answer :wink:

Thanks for the input.

Many people dig the SK-68…why would it be a bad idea?

SK68: mostly hollow pills, gets very hot very quickly — not really useful for any sustained illumination
“Next mode” memory so it’s either the wrong brightness or in blinkylight mode whenever you turn it back on
Lottery light, you never know what you’re getting.

I just received my 3 black Jexree Mini's today. I think these would be a hit in a fund raiser. They look great and have very good output.

EDIT: I relocated most of this post to another thread that is specifically about the light that this is a clone of.

I am aware of these limitations, but they are also only $3.00!

Also consider that the end-users are NOT flashaholics…just John and Jane Doe going to see their kids play football and play their band instruments in the Friday Night Lights. And despite the limitations, it is still probably one of the most popular lights ever, even among flashaholics.

I would make sure that it also came from a reputable supplier of SK-68s.

Let me give you my point of view. First of all I’m quite new to this scene, I had a Mag 3D when I was young and that’s it.
Well a few weeks ago I ran into a site with a big discount and I ordered 2 SK68 clones for a few cents. I received these a week ago and I must say I’m pretty impressed by what these small things can do. I doubt my old incandescent Mag could do much better.
So I thinks most people would be quite impressed by the SK68. I have the 1-mode and that suits me just fine btw.

oh, you’re right, but I’m comparing LED flashlights to incandescents, in the hands of people who put them in a drawer and take them out when there’s a power failure — and will still see it light up usably after months and maybe not notice their alkaline cell has leaked — because it still lights up. They’re the ones who get burned. I used to be one of them …

I’m not talking about people who notice and check as soon as the brightness starts to fade.
I’m talking about people who stretch their battery life out as long as they can.
With incandescent bulbs, that’s still a fairly short time compared to what you get with LEDs.

I have a whole bin of batteries that show as about 20 percent — barely warm up an incandescent 1xAA or 1xAAA light (yes, I still have Solitaires) I would never leave in those lights.
Those same cells will still get a decent (for non-flashoholic purposes) light out of a LED light (say an Arc AAA or Solitaire with the old LED dropin from six or eight years ago.

i never thought of these, but its low output, flood beam or spotlight, not a regular flood with center spot for distance illumination, not water resistant, crummy old tech LED (Q5 nonsense), and so forth

I wouldn’t worry too much. People expect to get crap when they buy stuff from fund raisers and will be pleasantly surprised with how much light they get no matter what you give them. They generally expect the cells to leak at some point as well and those few that know better can use either nimh’s or 14500’s. You could also look at it as an opportunity to educate the masses.