New build. 26650 P60.

i wish i could do machine works like this… i’ll build my own flashlight and play around with reflector depth and sizes :slight_smile:

The problem building one light as others will tell you here, it does not stop. Its like the ring in Lord off the rings. It takes hold of you and takes you places you sometimes wish it hadn't leading to a downward spiral of loneliness and poverty. No really thanks. Its you guys that make it all worth while. Cheers.

Thats nice - congratulations on a great build !

Another great job.

The knurling looks awesome.

Thanks Chicago X. Old_Lumens taught me a thing or two about trick photography and using different angles. (Insert smiley face).

For anyone wondering the problem with quotes is due to the space between the " [/quote] " and the text. If you delete that it will work fine.

I was wondering what the deal with that was. It makes things confusing…

Like all the other lights you've made, simply brilliant! Just gorgeous work! Glad you were able to correct the tailcap thread problem. ;)

" and the text. If you delete that it will work fine.

Thanks JohnnyMac. If this works your a lot smarter than I thought scaru. Thanks also.

Thanks JohnnyMac. If this works your a lot smarter than I thought scaru. Thanks also.

Just sent you a PM on how to do it correctly. (Like done above)