I know I announced the new firmware in this thread as the clear anodized C8 was the first to use the new driver/new firmware. That’s my bad. :zipper_mouth_face:
Would it be reasonable to ask that the driver firmware specific questions/discussion move to ToyKeeper’s firmware repository thread?
My main reason in asking this is that the questions and issues being discussed will be more easily addressed by those participating in that thread and also much more likely to be seen by the creator of this firmware. ToyKeeper did me and Convoy a huge favor by creating this and I feel she should be given the opportunity to respond to questions about her creation without having to try to keep up with this thread.
ToyKeeper’s thread about the firmware she develops is here.
I don’t even understand half of what is being discussed now :person_facepalming: so I assume many of the people that are just coming to this thread to read about the new light will be completely lost.
If you think I’m off base here please tell me so. I do appreciate all this discussion and like I said this is almost certainly my own doing but it feels weird to be a confused passenger in my own topic wondering where the bus will stop next…