New Cree XT-E flashlights and drop-ins available

anybody see these yet? any opinions?

Interesting, cabfrank. Do you have any idea how this compares to an XM-L? The flashlight claims 700-900 lumens. Will the drop-ins work with any SF host like L2, LM or L2P?

i'm sure the drop-ins are p60 compatible, and i'm also sure the flashlights aren't 700-900 lumens. actuallly i'm positive about p60 compatibility, and almost positive the lumens are way optimistic.

I have one in the mail, I'll try to post a review when I get it if a real reviewer doesn't first :)

Correct. They're not getting 700-900 bulb lumens from a Cree (any of them) R5 flux BIN at 1.5A... physically impossible.

By their own specs these are going to peak at 420 emitter lumens @1.5A... in the same vicinity as the XPG.

I've got a 3-mode drop-in from KD on the way (shipped this week), ordered after seeing this in Modding subforum:

The XT-E is an option in the EagleTac D25 clicky, though I don't know if those are available yet.

I thought this page was cool .....


In the mail for new L2m just receive from SolarForce. Also have the L2P.
They rate it at 1,000 lumens. :beer:

The XT-E and XB-D use some cool technology and developments, that’s for sure.