NEW Nitecore NU20 CRI + first impressions

I didn’t realize the Tip was that high either. It fits the market, maybe I should say it’s more than I was hoping.

Well, the TIP isn’t that high if you jump in on one of the group buys. :wink:

This is nice. I want a headlamp or angle light that I can clip to my shirt’s pocket. This might be the light.

Any news on this one in our favorite stores ?

Anyone heard anything new on this light? Really liking this one.
Do we think it will actually show up on banggood like the Tube lights?
I may be too impatient to wait for it to show up there though. haha.
BatteryJunction says its due the 31st.

Anyone else pick one of these up?

Got mine the other day, was pretty impressed with it, love how light weight it is.
But, used it today, and after no more than 1.5 hours on high it had dimmed alot, and wouldnt go above medium.
Where is this 6 hour runtime on high that is in the specs ???

Finally managed to buy one (it’s been delayed in most places).

It is really small, lightweight and hardly noticeable on your forehead.

It packs more than enough light for everything in your close vicinity.
It’s no thrower, but bright enough for walks (170 lumens on a sustainable high).

The neutral high CRI light, with just the right balance between spot and spill, makes it perfect when colors matter (which, let’s face it, includes most scenarios). An absolute must for electricians and everybody who tinkers with cars.

Smart UI with both blinky modes and turbo hidden.

It can be charged while it’s used, making really long runtimes possible with a power bank. But with the placement of the USB connector on the bottom long side, the cord easily obstructs the left eye vision. Invest in an cord with an angled micro USB connector to fix this.

The fact that it’s the only headlight on the market with real high CRI (>90) and decent output makes it the best headlamp (so far) for close up scenarios and walking. For running, skiing and rough terrain I want a lot more light.

Sweet! I was just looking at this last night! Was originally considering a T360 and might go that way. Just love the swivel ball versatility, but it’s hard to argue with lumens. They just stare back and make you blind. :smiley:

How does the step down work? That’s my one real concern.

I could still end up picking one up to replace my T360 as a minimum kit list event HT, but not if it steps from high->medium. 6h at 220 lumens doesn’t seem that likely to my inexperienced eye?

Still very wary of Nitecore at the moment, much as I want this to be good.

What i can gather is that, on high it will go on constant brightness for 1 hour 30 minutes, and it will step down to medium for another 4 hours.
For me 30-40 lumens at medium is still very useful for most situation though

Unfortunately I don’t have rhe equipment for an automated test and it’s hard finding the time to sit by the light for a couple of hours. I can at least confirm that there is no stepdown during the first 30 minutes on high (checked with luxmeter and watch).

It doesn’t heat up either (on high), just barely lukewarm. So if there is a subsequent stepdown sometime after 30 minutes, it should be possible to restart it without any worries.

Given they’re marketing it as a trail runners HT 30-40 lumens is useless for that stated purpose.

I’m still relatively new to all this - am I being reasonable in thinking that selling something with a stated runtime of 6 hours on high at 220 lumens should be capable of running for that period of time without a stepdown?
The stepdown isn’t for heat purposes by the sounds of it - it’s purely so they can say 6 hours runtime on high. And there is a huge gulf between 6 hours and 1 hour 30. So if that’s correct then it seems decidedly dishonest of Nitecore to me?

Yeah i get you, i’d say it’s pretty dishonest too. Maybe a fair 6 hour stated runtime are when the light gives mostly constant output for 3-4 hours, then gradually dimmed until it reach 30-40 lumens at 6 hour mark. At first it’s a turn off for me, but then i realized that with the small size they can’t make a light with that kind of runtime and output. Moreover, it’s still a very well priced light that i decided to buy it anyway

Now available from FastTech for only USD 27 (CRI version).

What’s the colour temperature of this 219B? Around 5000K?


Frankly, yes, you are being very reasonable. Unfortunately, however, that's not the way the game is played.

Runtimes for flashlights are often based on the ANSI FL 1 Standard. Runtime tests continue all the way down to the 10% mark. A 1000-lumen flashlight, for instance, running on 1x18650, usually burns bright for about an hour, give or take. At that point, it may be down to about half power. You and I might say that the runtime is around an hour.

Under ANSI FL 1, however, manufacturers continue runtime tests until output drops to 10% of its original value. For a 1000-lumen flashlight, the test continues even if the flashlights outputs only 101 lumens! I would have preferred something like 50%, but at least the existing standard does provide a common measuring stick to use when comparing different flashlights.

There is some history here. Big players, like Maglite, who use alkaline batteries in their flashlights, lobbied for the 10% rule. It makes runtimes with alkaline look good. Not surprisingly, the opinions of the big boys carried a lot of weight. The 10% level was chosen mostly because that's the way folks used to run their single-mode, 2xD-cell incandescents in the pre-LED era. Disposable alkaline batteries usually were not replaced in a flashlight until output was so dim as to be useless. At least, that's the way I ran mine.