July 26, 2018, 6:15am
It is what it is, a body this size can only handle so much power continuously, everything higher will need a stepdown. I like the option of a short burst of wow in a flashlight, as long as the lower continuous modes are easy to find and the user interface is good.
At some point you need to draw the line. It’s more of a pissing contest now, who’s got the bigger numbers. I understand lumens sell that’s why they sell and make lights like this.
How long could you possibly use all 3350 lumens maybe 10-20 seconds if even that before dramatic stepdown? Is it really worth it? It’s more of a bragging right at this point?
Personally as a headlamp user it doesn’t sell me a headlamp.
I don’t even bother to use the turbo setting in my HC33. If it’s a cold day you can run the HC33 at turbo and it just manages to do 30 seconds before going below 1800 lumens. On a hot day good luck. This light looks like same body but with almost twice the power.
Not a stab at Thrunite. Yes I would build a light like this but I would not place it on my head or sell it to an everyday consumer.
I love my Emisar D4 Nichia’s Turbo. It happens quite often that I want to see more in a certain direction. It’s often just 2-5 seconds of use. The Turbo mode serves me well.
What ever gains that maybe made by the more efficient emitter will be negated by the boost driver effency making it perform worse then a 3v LED. What numbers are we looking at 80% effency for the boost driver? Considering how small the light is the driver will get extremely hot and become less efficient. Plus voltage sag from the single 18650.
If they where to run multiple 3v LEDs in parallel it would be more efficient.
More like 95% for sustainable levels. Maybe 90% for turbo. See GXB172 for example
Boost drivers are more efficient than linear.