Newest Trick For Multi-LED Flashlight

Just to share what I have read on Hanan_Tomas of replaced someone’s EYE40 with 7c,5c,3c and 1c LED.
According to him, the light is very sun light alike and comfortable to eyes. He suspect this configuration somehow complete light spectrum better than single tint.

Anyone tried this before here? Maybe can combine more tints better with 7-LED flashlight.

I know that some custom builders of multi-LED setups would add in a single red LED to “increase color rendition”. I have never seen this in action but it must do something special.

If you’ve ever seen a Cree TrueWhite product you’ve seen this.

Like that?

Me, I haven’t. But I would like to test one for myself.

Yes, that’s an LR24 troffer light.

Maybe it is time to resurrect my dust collecting X100. :slight_smile:
But everytime I use soldering iron, I will burn my skin.

I really don’t want to mass around with my Eye40 to try it out, but I may think about buying the less expensive Terminator just to check it out.

Interesting idea! I have a couple of unused XP-Gs in 7A, 5C and random 1/0 tints, might have to give this a try…

Reminds me of this thread: