Next Step Up from my XinTDThrower??

Hey all,

I am not someone that has a drawer full of lights. I just have 4 of my night stand and I have given away 5 or 6 to family.

The last nice light I got was an XinTD that a few members here recommended when I asked about a thrower. It is a nice light and there’s NOTHING in my yard or the neighbors yard that can hide from me now.

I am curious as to what would be a step UP from this one. I also don’t know the technical ins and outs of these lights, I’m not a modder. I don’t take them apart, I just put the batteries in them and go. SO….I am not very knowledgeable about the projects that you all talk about.

This one I asked for a nice THROWER and this is what was told to me to get. I’m very happy with it. Now I am thinking I might want to pick up something that has a bit more throw to it for those times I am walking around hunting feral hogs and it starts getting dark.
I like using the 18650 cells and don’t mind using them in new lights if I have to. I also don’t mind if the light takes more than 1 cell. The only limit I would put on this step up light would be that it come in at less than $75, preferably a lot less. I like these budget lights a LOT.

So, what lights would you say would be a good choice for what I described? Do you have any that you think would be an awesome choice for a BIG BROTHER to the XinTD I have now?

Lets hear it.

Thanks for your time.

Nalajr non-aff btw
620m of throw manufacturer rated
don’t forget to use code BLF to bring the price down to about $71!

What about a ZOOMie light?

If you don’t mind modding, then there are loads of options. However if you want off the shelf, then one of these is very good.

Olight M2X-UT Javelot

Available from a lot of places.

A bit over your budget, but like 3x better then anything you got in that price range :wink:

I would second dazed1’s suggestion. It is a great light for sure, well worth every penny.

I recently got this light and I like it a bunch was going to mod it with a MT-G2 but now I don’t know if I want to do that or not.


its budget and should do the next step you are looking for.

Some more information HERE

Get in on this now.


The M3XS-UT Dazed1 suggested would blow your mind. That is the wow-thrower you are looking for.

M3XS-UT Has twice the throw of barracuda

Not twice, ~ 40% but still alot, and also….its much less bulkier.

“The only limit I would put on this step up light would be that it come in at less than $75, preferably a lot less. I like these budget lights a LOT.”


Twice the throw, twice the price.

Read what the OP has and what he wants to step up to and you’ll see that that $75 Barracuda is probably a better value for him than the Olights that many seem to be suggesting here.

My buddy has DD XM-L2 TK61vn v4 and that things throws a laser beam, close to, if not a mile, but it’s a $300 light, so I didn’t recommend it.


You said “big brother” so how about the Courui? Its good out of the box and is really easy to make even better!
Edit: its only about $30

No where near twice the price, infact almost the same price at some places if you look!

I don’t know where you’re getting a legit and non-grey market Javelot for close to $75.00, because I’d just checked BangGood, Battery Junction, GoingGear, GearBest, Andrew&Amanda, HKEquipment and a few smaller places and with rare exception (A&A, ‘make offer’) it’s $149.99 via legit Olight dealers.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I wouldn’t want that light, just that the OP wanted to keep it below $75 and the Barracuda is right there and a renowned thrower for its class, although I guess it’s perhaps a bit dated—hence the blowout sales on

Anyhow, I guess it’s time to move on?


Try banggood - 0E39FD and your closer but there are better still if you look properly