Nice lights for sale,lower prices

10 bucks for the whole thing. $1 each plus price of stamp(s)

Diameter of sinkpad? If 20mm I’ll take 2 if they are the xpl XPE xpg size?

20mm and yes xp/nichia/ etc………

I’ll take the high amp zener driver too
you have a PM about the driver and sinkpads

Payment sent for qlite driver and sinkpad :slight_smile:

received,will ship monday

also, will trade for other lights. prices dropped again

i do have some copper and aluminum XHP-50 and XHP-70 sinkpads if anyone needs

offers? trades?

OK will buy Convoy M2 Nichia NVSL219BT, is a great deal

A+ seller.
Got the Sinkpad and 5.8a zener driver. Haven’t tested the driver yet but visually under the scope the driver looks perfect. Thanks again for the deal bro.

convoy m2 sold, any offers on anything else?

Got any more drivers? Qlite nangj etc? How about XML2 on noctigon?

let me check


any offers?

you never got back to me…

i dont have any of those, sorry for the wait.


DDT40 still up for sale? Would love that bad boy.