Better or worse, it will be different so not really a measure of the 219D. I have one of Clemence’s super-boards for the 119 so I could test the 119D properly, but still I think that if the performance is outstanding, the 219D will be more popular than the 119D because it works on all the cheap DTP boards.
The features of the tail switch left me intrigued as well
I’ll be looking for your review djozz :+1:
EDIT: BTW, the images of the driver on the page linked are equal to Jetbeam’s drivers on many of their flashlights specifications.
Was GB that made the “patch” of it, or will be Folomov using that driver?…
A possible method to do it w/o the inner current path: it’s powered all the time and a circuit in the switch cuts power temporarily when the E-switch is pressed and the FW runs based off the length / number of power interrupts.
I miss my Nitecore D10 but now I can’t wait for the fw3a (this things m/o, whatever it may be, won’t compare with the inner current path method)!
The Tool Ti work with a supercap in the tailboard, that powers a FET and is slowly charged by the battery while the light is off (and while on as well I guess).
Hello everyone! This is my first post on BLF. I have viewed this forum many of times but never created an account until yesterday. I received this light a couple days ago and it has some nice features but for the LED itself it has some issues.
On turbo it has a horrible blue hot spot and on all other modes it has a dark center. I dont know if I just got a lemon but I figured I would share this issue. I already have plans to do an emitter swap if I can get the head apart. The bezel is not glued on I had it off yesterday. That’s one of the first things I checked lol.
Thanks for the welcome djozz! Yes I do have the skills to replace it and have a few Nichia 219c’s in my parts box that will make this much better. But I might use the XP-L HI 3C out in this one.
I do like the switch in this light though. I was skeptical at first with the tail e-switch but it is a good addition to my collection. Some stepless dimming would be pretty sweet though!
I ordered one last night. At first I was not going to because of the awful 3000K tint. Then I though to myself, “Self, you have other emitters you can put in there stupid.” No need to have any hard feelings against the light just because I don’t like the tint. That’s a easy fix. Looking forward to checking it out.
I got 2 of these lights, 1 from Amazon, 1 from BG, both exhibit the bluish tint problem on turbo. One has a bezel I could hand loosen, so swapped to a 219C and now it does great, but still, I think, only about 600 lumens I measured (my readings are higher than ANSI).
The light is fairly unique with an e-switch in the tail, and no extra wiring needed.
Any pictures of the dark spot in the beam or the tint shift toward blue in turbo?
I really like the compact size, direct access to moonlight and mode spacing on this light, but I have no intention of doing an emitter swap if the beam pattern is as unpleasant as some people report, but I haven’t seen any beam shots illustrating the issues that have been verbalized in posts.
Is the clip attached to the light well enough to remain on the light when clipped to the top of my rear jeans pocket? This is how I would intend to carry it, since I don’t have any holsters that would work.
I’m on a really tight budget and shouldn’t be buying any lights, but this light at $23.21 shipped to my house in two days has mode spacing at levels that I’ll actually use, which isn’t common for 18650 lights, so I’m very tempted to just go ahead and buy it.
I only have one other 18650 light - the NAPA Blue Fuel zoomie ($20 at NAPA), but it’s not anywhere compact enough for EDC pocket carry and doesn’t have low enough output levels for close up work.
I think I’ll keep looking. I don’t like the UI irregularity that was reported regarding going to Turbo from moonlight, rather than the memorized level, if the light was shut off on the downward side of the mode sequence. I couldn’t live with that.
The overheating on Turbo isn’t of much concern to me, since I would rarely use the turbo level.
This is the first 18650 light for EDC that I’ve been tempted to buy because of it’s compactness, mode spacing, price point and UI. I’m not aware of anything else of similar size with similar mode spacing, so I’m not very optimistic about finding an alternative any time soon.
If you want something 18650 and small, there is the DQG 4th Tiny 18650. It’s smaller than the Folomov. Rock solid clip that won’t go anywhere. Mode, Low 3.5, Mid 80, High 300 and Turbo 850. Nice UI. Single click for low, double click for Mid, triple click for High, press and hold for Turbo. Single click for off. TIR lens, nice beam if you like TIR’s. I do but some don’t.
You might be able to get a coupon code from one of the guys.