Nominate somebody to test Cerakote on a flashlight

Ok ok, can we actually get serious about this and be real? These are sk68 zoomie clones, cheap a$$ lights that won’t have a strong factory finish, right? We already know some of these suggestions will destroy an aluminum light. So wouldn’t it be reasonable to think in terms of testing that would likely mar or destroy a normal to good factory finish without totally annihilating the metal underneath?

How many lights have we all destroyed? I mean, really? For example, the Eagle Eye X6 skidded 60mph on pavement (I can still hear that horrid sound to this day!) without getting scratched at all. Yes, once it caught a pebble and started flipping it did some base metal damage that also gouged yellow striping paint off the road surface, but the light on it’s side skidding like on a giant sanding belt did nothing to it at all. I know this because I’ve built a triple out of it and use it regularly. The bezel is damaged from impact and the thin edges on the raised tail cap where the lanyard attaches are damaged but not broken. That’s a pretty serious test, and the light survived with only minimal scarring. So the real question is, to test the FINISH of the light as compared to other factory finishes, what kind of tests would portray normal everyday examples of what an EDC light might be likely to go through, with no or reasonable damages.

We can all think of a 1000 ways to destroy something, I don’t think that’s what this is about. If you pay $800 for a gun, and coat it with this ceramic coating, what would you expect that gun to endure before failure? (realizing, of course, that failure could mean death to you, the guy who wants said gun to defend you!)

Carrying a light clipped to a pocket that also carries car keys can be very damaging to the lights finish. The Eagle Eye X6 comes out of that with brass markations on it’s surface that can be wiped away, leaving the light unaffected. Perhaps the keys got more damage than the light, not sure. Will Cerakote fare as well? Simple things, that we all do daily, that’s the real question here. Simply to show that this is (or isn’t) a nice viable good looking alternative to protect our modded lil beauties.

Preparing the light to spray. It’s already blasted. Time to acetone soak it.

This hobby is not the real world anyway, pull out the liquid nitrogen and blow torches!! :-)

I can see this coating actually tightening up loose threads on some cheap lights…

It’ll tighten up the threads a hair on the zoom but not on the other threads as they won’t be coated

The lights have been sent to Dale. I will post up the contest thread later tonight

Test and Contest thread is here