NON Tactical SFT40?

Sofirn IF24 Pro has an SFT40 and a side switch.

Unfortunately most off the peg lights are only going to use SFT40s in tactical lights and they tend to have tail switches.

I prefer side switches myself but have come to appreciate the mechanical tail switch on my S2+ for its simplicity. Click on, half-click brighter, click off. With memory disabled so that it always starts in low it’s my next favourite UI after Anduril.

I have not but I am up to 8 Hanks and although I do love them I am looking for little less of the chonk factor if possible…

The Aplos T02 is a little tactical, but also has a really nice driver from what I remember. Maybe it’s closer to what you’re looking for?

I just reread your original post and saw you didn’t want a rear switch at all, which I guess counts this out.

This might help if you haven’t used it yet also.

I think this is definitely what you need though.

Side switch SFT-40

FC13S with the XHP50B arrived- Decent torch but super floody so not what I am looking for.

Just ordered the Acemean T35 to try out.

Seems kinda ridiculous to be so picky when there are so many great options out there. Oh well first world problems…

Sorry it did not work out for you. I guess my typical use is more for short to medium range work. So I like the XHP50. But of course it is limited a bit by the small OP reflector in the FC13S. But it does still have decent reach (for my use). Maybe for the sale price it is worth having around as an option? Says the guy with way to many lights who never gets rid of anything… and works hard to justify having all of the damn flashlights. :smiling_imp:

Very useable beam for sure and a great deal at $17 on the big A.
I really don’t need another torch laying around and still need to get rid of some…

Just out of curiosity, what don’t you like about it. Not that you need to justify your preferences… just wondering.

More flood than I am looking for- Decent torch for sure but looking for candela with some flood similar to the T2 and PD36R Pro that i already have but not loving their rear switches.
Might just keep it for the garage. Never hurts to have a handful in there…

I see that they now have the SFT40 version available and ordered- returning the XHP50

1 Thank

Got to love Amazon. Let us know what you think of the SFT40 model.

Hopefully you’ll like the SFT40 version more. :+1:

1 Thank

Y’all have turned me into a real light snob :rofl:

The sft40 is decent but received Acebeam T35 the same day. For $12 more it blows the Wurkkos out of the water but terrible UI.
The search continues…

Anytime I hear this term, I become curious. In what way is the T35 better for your use? I notice the specs are not far off between the SFT40 lights of either brand, So I wonder what you are seeing.

MAO variant doesn’t feel cheap at all.

From my unscientific couch test running them both on turbo the Wurkkos kicked down quite quickly while the Acebeam kept on chugging away.

Yes- Love me some MAO!
Don’t care for slick lights and the MAO finish feels great on the few that I have.
C8+ is in the cart…

Was it the OG version of the L2 that had that rough chalky HA3 finish to it?

Whichever it was, it absorbed fingerprints like a sponge, but man, you could have oily soapy hands and you’d never lose grip on it.