O-L's Christmas Giveaway of Non-flashlight items #14 We have Winners!

I’m in. Thanks!!!

I ’m in, thanks.

Merry Christmas OL

Count me in, thanks.

I’m in.

Thank you

Congrats kronological, Streamer, Prometheus, thebigboss78, parikos and jpil. Start a club!

Thanks OL.

Merry Christmas!

Thanks OL for the giveaway and congratulations to all the winners!

Thanks OL!

Thanks Old-Lumens :slight_smile:

Gratz kronological, Streamer, Prometheus, thebigboss78, parikos, jpil and tks Justin!

thanks Old Lumens

Thank You Santa Lumens :santa: ! :smiley:

Happy new year!

I have received the knife.

Thank you very much Old-Lumens.