Odd issue with FET+7135 driver

With the Attiny13 flashing is blocked when pin 5 is connected to ground, cutting the trace or desoldering and bending the pin up to break the connection are two resolutions, the driver seems to also work when pin 5 is floating. Might be the same for the 25.
Tom E’s right about the resistor for the issue with dropping to moonlight, it’s a known problem on the BLF A6 driver more details can be found here:

BLF A6 Turbo problem (post #12 has link to details of the fix, and post #22 references the Attiny 25 driver)

I also found the Nanjg driver to be locked, bought some 13As to swap them with but still haven’t got round to doing it.

Edit: - Tom E, just found a post that says you discovered the ‘pin 5 to ground’ issue on a Convoy driver and cut the trace to fix it :smiley: