Old Lumens Flashlight Challenge 2019 - Final Results

I’d like to inform that my mod for the 2019 OL Contest is officially finished!
The modding post with a summary of the mod is on this link: MascaratumB’s entry – Old Lumens Contest 2019 - Modified Light Category [FINISHED on 8th February 2020] - #5 by MascaratumB
And this is the “final post” with the completed “products”: MascaratumB’s entry – Old Lumens Contest 2019 - Modified Light Category [FINISHED on 8th February 2020] - #71 by MascaratumB

Thanks for the all the comments and tips given, and thanks for the opportunity to participate in the Old Lumens Flashlight Modders & Builders Challenge 2019 !

I also would like thank to CRX, kiriba-ru, led4power and Lexel for providing invaluable pieces for this mod: without their work, the mod wouldn’t be possible as I imagined it, and I wouldn’t have in hands a dreamed flashlight !!! :blush: :person_with_crown:

To the other contestants involved and still on the run, good luck and good work on your builds and mods, and let’s show how BLF works :sunglasses:

Peace & Light! :+1: