Olight S2 tear down

Can anyone help? I got the button bezel off my copper s2 but I can’t get the aluminum pin out of the pill. Tried everything!

You have a PM :slight_smile:
Basically, for anyone reading this in the future :

- take a paperclip

- make a small hook, like 1 or 2mm radius

- put the hook in the pill hole

  • pull the pin with the hook

Does anybody know what are the dimensions of the copper Led board (inside the S2)?

Wish I had seen this before accidentally slicing the bottom off my S15 switch :person_facepalming:

Think I may have also damaged the switch on the mcpcb. Anyone know where to get a replacement?

Wonder if a LH351D might be a better fit as far as beam pattern. Sucks that the 219C doesn’t work well, that’d be my choice as well.

I put an XP-G2 (rosy tint) in my S1R Baton I and it doesn’t have many artifacts. However, the overall beam seems to have a smaller diameter.
Here are some beamshots of how it looks like:

Please be warned about the whole process of LED replacement/swap, as I and others have damaged the driver (mine got a ultra moonlight mode instead of the normal ML mode).

The thread is here: Help troubleshooting a mod that went wrong :( [Olight S1R Baton]

I can attest to the dangers however my Olight S15 remains as the only light I have attempted to mod unsuccessfully. I keep revisiting it occasionally to have another crack. I think the final hurdle is to get the switch button and bezel out. They just won’t budge :frowning:

FYI, inspired by this thread I gave a go at one of my Olights. I used a copper tube cutter like the one below to get the bezel off. Worked well.

14mm in diameter and 1mm thick

OK, thanks, X3!

thanks for the details, very useful