Opus BT-C3100 vs LiitoKala Lii-500

The terms used in the Opus are not clear enough. It is more easy to use term CDC, C>D>C, >C….it is universal. The Opus and the Maha doesn’t use the same terms too. When we talk together and use the charger terms, it is not take long to be mixed.

Some results took from Aliexpress. I took the first I’ve seen.
These results should be between 3250-3350mah


A lot of variations.


Charge 3423mah


We will talk about our results tomorrow if you want.


you have not managed to prove me wrong. For your photos either. I can show you any results in a load or discharge as the charger displays the real-time capacity.

An exemple: http://s19.postimg.org/ixg2etadf/image.jpg

I asked you for a “test load” and you did not want to do it. The test load shows the total capacity only at the end of the discharge and continues to display it until the end of the load. If you have managed to prove that your charger is accurate, you would have been the first. It is possible that there are, I have not seen to date.

I brought several pictures took on AliExpress in the feedbaks sections, you could check if you want to. The results are higher than the capacity of the battery.

Conclusion: the Opus BT3100 gives a higher capacity than the cell rating.
Nobody has yet managed to prove me wrong. Some devices seems closer to the max limit than others, but are still higher than the maximum limit that is between 3250-3350mah for a 18650b cell at 25celsius. It’s the same thing with the GA, LG HG1, MJ1, Eneloop and more…

The Opus is a very good charger. If I would not have my MC3000, it would still be my first choice. I have not the LiitoKala so I cannot give comments about it.

*Sorry for my english. French is my native language.


I said the cells in my previous five photos that they were all fully-charged before they were discharged using the ‘Discharge’ mode (not the Test mode) of my Opus v2.1 and v2.2

The photos were taken after the ’0’ma showed in the Display, meaning the discharging has stopped, and also the mah capacity terminal photos.

Those are the results from my Opus chargers.

You said YOUR Opus (and some other guys in Aliexpress(?) are reporting they are getting higher readings than expected, so be it. I’m not arguing with any of you, I am just showing mine.

Unfortunately for have doubted my integrity by suspecting that I have not fully-charged the cells before the discharge sessions to make sure I will get a low reading, and that’s very funny, to say the least!

So enjoy what you have, and I will enjoy what I have… :beer:

Why not do a charge test? That will be the only way to prove your point for your charger.

With all the evidences, telling that the Opus measurements are in the specifications of the cells is wrong and if you continue to repeat it again, you will lose all your integrity. Even if you have a super Opus different from others…beer.

Can you guys go to PM instead of confusing newbies and start questioning other members “intergrity”.
I’m sure both are excellent chargers and no doubt there are always “lemon” out there

When someone says something and the other says the opposite, we must bring the facts to prove his assertion and that’s what I did.

Sorry but I didn’t know that this forum is for newbies. Even if this is the case, it does not give the right to say anything.

Actually, when one person states his results, and then another person states that he got different results, they usually just leave it at that. After all, it’s just one persons experience with one or two samples of a particular charger and another persons experience with one or two samples of a different charger. Usually people who “demand proof” get laughed out of here. Nobody has to prove anything to anybody to keep on using an item that works for them.

Personally, I use the Opus BT3100 and am extremely happy with it. It’s easy to use and has done everything I’ve asked of it. I have no reason to buy another charger to see if it’s a few percent more accurate because I don’t really care if it’s a few % off.

The endless demands for proof accomplish nothing. You have stated your findings and I’m actually glad you did because that might be useful information to someone. Well written reviews are always appreciated. But to “demand proof” or to try and convince everyone that yours is better or that theirs is not good enough is carrying things a little too far. People are going to continue using what works for them and they will be happy while doing it.

If you want to be really useful, buy a dozen samples of each charger and test all of them under the exact same conditions with the exact same batteries so that you get an average of each charger, then write up a review comparing them for all of us to see. I’m sure all of us would appreciate that kind of detailed comparison.

Well, here is what you are demanding:

Below is the Charge Test that you wanted me to do of which a photo of the Sanyo UR14500P that shows the result. Note the word TEST on the slot used.

The NCR-B cell of the left bay is still undergoing discharge in the Charge Test.

Charger used is the v2.2. The photo speaks for itself:


Below is the same photo I posted in post #25 but used the straight Discharge mode only and of which you doubted the ‘fullness’ of the beginning charge of the cell. Charge used is a v2.1


@gyzmo2002 :

The photo below now show the conclusion the NCR-B after the “Charge Test” you are demanding to make sure the cells have undergone the C-D-C for a doubtless full-charge.

Again, the photo below will show that MY Opus chargers (v2.1 and v2.2) DOES NOT read high and is believe common to a large majority of Opus BT-C3100 owners.



I have to do another answer because when I send the one I just did(take me 1 hour with my english) I lost all when sending with my iphone.

I will use my computer and do another one and will edit this one.

Question for the original poster, IamMatt. A single request posted, no other action at all.

Did you get anything useful out of this thread? People like you start threads of this sort all the time and they seem to rapidly deteriorate into discussions that are so arcane as to be of no value to anyone but the arguers.

According to your test I asked you to do first but finally decide to do it at last, your result is lower than the cell rating that indicate to me that it is probably not a new cell but I cannot prove it. I will let you the benifit of doubt. If I take for granted that your chager is accurate, it is the first result that I see that is right. If you had done it when I asked you, we will not be at this point about talking of your integrity.

I have done many tests 1-2 months ago with the Opus because a member (Sledgestone on CPF) asked a question about why his Opus gives higher capacity mearurements than the specs of the cell. My charger did the same but I never bothered with that. Four-five days before he asked this question, I have received the MC3000. I decided to do some test to find why we have these high results and give me the chance to test the 3000. All my test I did before (opus) were higher (I keep all the pictures of my measures). I tried the MC3000 in Advanced mode to do many test and I set it according the setting of the Opus. All my results where near the lower range spécifications of the cell with the 3000. I did it with brand new (1 cycle because these cells were tested when I received them with the opus (around 3500-3600mah for a B cell)) and around 3150 with MC3000). I have to find why. I set the 3000 according the measured setting datasheet for these cell as said before. At that point, the results of the 3000 were target. I reapeated the same thing with GA, LG Mj1, HG1, Eneloop Pro, Eneloop ordinary with always the same results.

I decided to try to find results to see if I was my Opus or a general tendancy. I went to AliExpress, the place where I buy my cells, to check the feedback section of the sellers. All the results I have seen from 3 sellers showed me that their results are all higher than the specs of the cell (posted above). Some a bit higher than the high end (3250-3350mah at 25 Celsius rating specs of the cell) and some, like mine, more higher. I did not found any that show me the opposite. I concluded that the Opus measures higher capacity than the cell rating.

Your last test above shows me the opposite and this is the first that I see with this result. Like I said, I must take for granted that you used a new cell. With an old cell, that cannot prove anything. I will leave you the benifit of doubt. At that point, I cannot say that the Opus is accurate in the capacity measurements as I said before. All I can say, it is a trend to measure higher if I take for granted that your charger is accurate. I cannot prove it is not because I did not test your charger.

If you could find results from other people at the place you want and a place that I can go to see them (amazon-Ali…etc, I will have to admit that my statement was wrong. But for now, with all the test I saw and I did, I could not say that.

The Opus is a very good charger as I said before. This is my second charger since I have the 3000. One of its flaw, it is its capacity to measure the capacity of the cells. Another inaccurancy, for the Opus, I saw on mine and according to what I read, is the reading of voltage. Straight at the end of the charge, you see 4.20v on the display but If you take a DMM, you have good chance to see 4.22v but it remains in the spec. accurancy of the charger.

We asked members to try the charge test by themselves but only one did it. His result was higher than the cell rating but target with his mc3000.

I would like to have seen more results though with the LiitoKala also to see the difference.

Show me one thread that I have started here… and on CPF to prove your point.

Your comment is not usefull in this discussion. If you don’t want to read and understant it, you have the choice to past to another. When someone affirm something and you affirm the opposite, we have to prove our point. That is the purpose of a forum to share knowledge and it is in the forums that I learn a lot. I have seen so many people who say anything agains by just to say something.

If the moderator judge the proof of my statement not usefull in this thread, fell free to delete them. One person says black, the other says white. Keep the two versions only if you want. But without argumentation, I don’t think it will be usefull.

BTW, if you have evidence that what I said is wrong, I invite you to show me. In PM if you want.

One possibility: when you know you’re wrong, you do not try to argue otherwise you risk to get caught.

To answer your question, yes, I think I did. Several posters tried to address my specific concerns (thanks, y’all), and I am digesting and researching their responses/opinions and I think I am closer to a decision. Thing is, I like to collect flashlights but I don’t want to collect chargers (lol) so I would rather just buy one (more) that will do what I want.

I am not sure about threads stated by People Like Me (!) deteriorating into arcane discussions; I haven’t seen many threads here that got derailed as much as this one.

If my argument not informed you in your choices, and since you’re the instigator of this thread, you could ask the moderator to delete it. It is technical but I had to demonstrate what I said because we had two differents opinions.

I am trying to decide between these very two analyzing chargers. While I would love to pony up for the new holy grail charger - the MC3000, I simply can not justify the $100 expense. I have salvaged many 18650 batteries from laptops and I would like to be able to see what the capacities are for the ones that pass the initial “> 3.0v resting salvage voltage” pass / fail test. This thread has reinforced my thoughts that I will go with the Lii-500.

  • HKJ prefers non pulse charging
  • Lii-500 has battery bank capability

A plus for me for both of these chargers is that they take a 12VDC input voltage, which means that I can easily power them from a car battery for charging on the go or in the event of a power outage.

As for the rest, I will simply thank tatasal for patiently posting the results of your testing.

@IamMatt: I apologize for derailing this thread.

@gyzmo2002: new Charge Test photos (if these photos still cannot convince you, nothing else will)

Opus BT-C3100 v2.2
Samsung INR18650-30Q brand-new 3000mAh
1A charge/discharge rate
mode used: Charge Test

What’s clearly shown below is that my Opus does not exceed the cell’s rating of 2900mah.