[Oshpark] HQ 15mm/17mm programmable boost driver with ATtiny13A

HQB17C v1

The arrival of the Convoy T2 revived my interest and I shared 2 new drivers, the HQB17C and the HQB17D, that are made specifically with the T2 in mind. Both are 17mm boost drivers.


This is the ‘classic’ version, with SOT23 mosfet and up to 4.3mm inductor. There’s enough space for a SOIC clamp to program the Attiny.

There a some design changes to prior versions.

The driver features vias for a programming key, to allow true ISP.
I added a gate resistor (R4) between Pin6 and gate, can’t hurt to have one.
All 3 resistors went onto the spring side, that allowed to make the connection between PAM pin5 and LED+ without vias. That way the complete boost circuit is on one side of the board. The BAT+ pad is still 8mm, that’s ample space.


Oshpark Link


(more on parts and values see partlist overview in post#2)

U1: PAM2803, SOT-23-6
L1: max 4.3x4.3mm
D1: SOD323
C1: 0805
C2: 0805
C3: 0805
R1: 0805
R2: 0603
R3: 0603
R3: 0603
MCU: ATTiny13A-SSU, 8S1
OTC: 0603 (optional)
FET: N-Channel, SOT-23-3



The brd-pictures do not show the ground plane on both sides of the PCB, the Oshpark pictures do.

