Outdoor Beamshots Astrolux MF-02 (CW)


Congrats to be first owner :slight_smile:

Thanks for beamshots.

Look like you can do 500m or 1000m beamshots to that tower. :wink:

Thanks - first owner, and my first ever beamshots! :slight_smile:

Yes, it would be good to illuminate the tower from further away - but it was quite windy, and the flat ground by the bench from where I took the photos seemed the most suitable place. It’s also a useful landmark for checking the distances in Google Earth.

Congratulations, any idea how tall the tower is? And any guess how many feet of it you could illuminate from that distance? Thanks .

According to Wikipedia, it’s 55m (182ft) high. Not sure how you’d tell how much of it is illuminated, since you’d have to be able to define where the hotspot starts. But this photo from the article gives you a rough idea:

And here’s one taken from my balcony, about 930m away:

Both photos are taken from a similar angle as my beamshots.

Once again, Congratulations ! Thanks for responding. Hoping to have mine before Christmas. Ordered neutral white, dunno.

You’re welcome. Hopefully I’ll have enough cash left after Christmas to get myself the NW version, too! :slight_smile:

If the autofocus is struggling to focus then u can switch the lens on manual focus then rotate the focus ring to infinity ∞

Do u have another thrower to compare beam shots side by side ?

Thanks for the shots. Nothing cooler than beam shots of things in the far off distance. Can’t wait to get my Giggles and see it in action!

Argh, I just wrote a comment that somehow disappeared… the closest I’ve got is the Olight SR52UT with XPL-Hi in NW (~160kcd), the other ones I’ve got are all in NW with even less throw (Convoy L6, Thrunite TN4A & Emisar D4 w/ Nichia 219c). But I’ll see what I can do tomorrow, and hopefully get some shots from further away, as well.

Nice to see they are starting to arrive.

Some tips for making beamshots:

turn off HDR (because it has very big influence on bright and dark parts of photo camera software is modyfing these parts, so they don’t correspond to reality)

use manual exposure settings (i.e. t=1s/ f4.5/ ISO800 when using kit lens) manual exposure is crucial when it comes to comparing different modes or different flashlights. When in “auto exposure” camera tries to set the parameters so the scene look the same despite different illumination level (this is the case in your high and turbo beamshots).

-if having issues with AF, set it when the flashlight is on high, then turn it off (switch to MF, to avoid focus search) and you can make control beamshots or low level ones.

Good luck! :+1: :slight_smile:

Thanks, will try that tonight! :slight_smile: :+1:

Could you take a beamshot from your balcony to that tower (~930m away)?

I’d have to shine the light across an area with lots of houses, and I felt reluctant to do so on a Friday night, when the streets are very busy.

Unfortunately, all of the shots that I took today came out very blurred (probably because I forgot the manual settings that had been mentioned, and I didn’t have my phone with me to check, so I used HDR mode again - and it was really windy!). I got a friend to help me, and we got as far as 270m (888 ft) from the tower, from the other direction. I had originally planned for 500m, but if we’d have crossed the road there would have been too much street lighting in the way.

Sadly, the light now no longer turns off (except by unscrewing the tail cap). It always comes on in lowest mode, and a long-click will only switch the light to a slightly lower mode (and sometimes clicking won’t do anything at all, and I’m stuck in the lowest mode)…

I’m sure someone else will post better pictures soon.


Replied in wrong thread, see here

Your exposure settings has to be manual. Else your pictures would be overexposed and can’t represent the environment anymore. Basically it is M mode, and then adjust shutter speed that mimic what your eyes see. And use these settings for all picture.
Manual focus is also useful so that your camera won’t be struggling to stay focus.

Hopefully it won’t be as cold and windy next time - last night it was freezing and we wanted to get back as quickly as possible, otherwise I would have probably played around with different settings.

My friend (who is holding the light in the photo) didn’t even have a jacket with him, so I lent him my bathrobe! :smiley:

I can imagine the difficulties since it is your first beamshot in such harsh environment. Somemore your partner has no protective gear on. :smiley:

I am thinking of building the BLF GT driver for this light, but only if demand is there
This would be a powerful Buck driver with Narsil firmware

I can design with another program a board for the MF02
I have a review sample incoming